The notion that entire, sentient races are naturally predisposed to certain levels of intelligence, or moral alignments, is baked into the game. That’s not the same as talking about “good and bad sides”.
The notion that entire, sentient races are naturally predisposed to certain levels of intelligence, or moral alignments, is baked into the game. That’s not the same as talking about “good and bad sides”.
You can’t argue that pop culture doesn’t influence actual culture in a country with a reality TV star as the president.
I saw someone on Twitter put it like this: we shut off the water to fix a broken pipe, but now we are turning the water back on without bothering to actually fix the pipe.
It is in ways a little messed up that within the corporate world there is a heavy-handed mentality of guilty-until-proven-innocent. When a company submits a DMCA claim, the accused is presumed guilty and their content is immediately suspended/removed and the onus is on the accused to prove their innocence.
Except they don’t need Anthem to salvage their brand. They have Dragon Age coming, likely well before the Anthem relaunch, and if it doesn’t save them it’s highly, highly, highly unlikely that Anthem can.
Cousin Oliver. do know Salvador is maybe all of 5' tall, right?
Replace DJ with Cena for Brick, and barring getting David Eddings back- Chris Tucker for Claptrap (he has that Fifth Element energy in there somewhere, I refuse to believe it’s dead).
Emma Stone, Winston Duke, Diego Luna, Dwayne Johnson. There’s your vault hunters. If you can’t get Stone, get Karen Gillen and fully embrace the Jumanji On Meth vibe. Give Cate Blanchett some makeup and a CG arm and let her play Helena Pierce if you insist on casting her in the movie.
Dude. Cate Blanchett getting cast in an Eli Roth driven Borderlands (aka a garbage fire) would no more grant legitimacy to video game movies than Bob Hoskins did for them in Super Mario Brothers.
Thankfully, I’d never heard of this guy before, but it seems to me that he’s a miserable piece of shit and he got what he deserved, Good riddance, garbage boi.
Love this game, I’ve also been trying to find the right words to get everyone else I know to play the game. It’s an odd one to describe and sell to people who aren’t already sold on the idea of an RPG with lots of text.
Speaking of wanting to keep playing the game though, I ran into a problem where I was playing one…
As someone who grew up in the Houston area, there is nothing surprising about this happening in the fucking Woodlands. That might be the most NIMBY-ass town in the entire country.
You can’t believe it because you’re privileged enough not to have to deal with the actual issues that the people who are made to wear these sorts of uniforms in real life have to deal with, and you’re also not empathetic enough to understand the perspective of another fellow human being, and how such a thing might…
Didn’t affect my day, but I deeply agree with the sentiment. If there are any people on this earth who deserve LESS attention, it everyone who participates in things like this + Keemstar.
Seriously, I like it more when Kotaku and other media highlight people who do deserve their 15 minutes of fame, not the ones who…
I cannot imagine something I would less like to be involved with, consume, or even be aware of. Just reading this article made my day worse.
Articles like this highlight why I stick to single player games, almost exclusively. Even if 90% of the people playing actually play the game correctly, that remaining 10% can sap the fun out of the entire experience. Couple that with the toxic language and blaring music that I hear when I play online shooters, and…