
Most Braves fans live north of Atlanta (potentially true)
Braves franchise is paying half of it (absolutely false)
Atlanta (the city) has driven sports teams out of it because of property taxes it places on these stadiums (uhhh, no)
and the area where they are placed suck (okay?)
It's why the Falcons franchise decided

A local who does research? Then you would know that the Falcons stadium is definitely in Atlanta, and definitely downtown. And if the Turner Field area is so dangerous, why is GA State University now going to develop that area?

Possibly. That assumption depends on the people of the county being mad enough and engaged enough to replace (or recall) those officials. In my experience most people can't be bothered to pay attention to local politics, much less turn out to vote in any meaningful way.

Goddamnit, Kinja, I tried to edit but have no idea if it's working. You're right - there were early reports that Cobb Commissioners received Tea Party support in the county, but they are not necessarily Tea Party candidates.


Maybe the good people of Atlanta could've avoided this travesty by not allowing libtard journalists to write their constitution.

Ooh, ooh! Cobb County Commissioner Bob Ott's leading core principle, per his website, is:

All of them. Literally all of them. Cobb County commissioners are by and large Tea Party.

And how many of those commissioners are GOP? Fiscal conservatism goes out the window when ensuring corporate welfare is at stake.

[stares at GIF for hours]

Her appearance during the draft also lit up traffic on other websites, mostly from Phil Mushnick furiously poring over

The problem with Bill Simmons at this point is twofold. First, his whole fan perspective is not nearly as novel as it used to be when he first started writing for, but he hasn't really adjusted his schtick at all. Second, as Tim pointed out, he lost his claim to represent the voice of the average fan when he

Simmons' main problem isn't even his tendency to say stupid things like this. It's the fact that, when the inevitable backlash occurs, he seems to have a complete inability to just take it on the chin.

The simple misunderstanding is that the 1st amendment protects you from things like, jail time or the government in general, from oppressing you based on speech. This situation is Duck Dynasty all over again, people don't understand the difference between freedom of speech and saying anything you want to free of

I was really surprised by this also. All the racists of course rush to Sterling's defense. But millions of people in the US don't have a general understanding of the 1st amendment, which is kind of sad.

What I found most interesting about your well-selected set of tweets is that most of them aren't Sterling apologists. They start with "Now, let's be clear, fuck that guy, BUT" which suggests that the misunderstanding of 1st Amendment is real, whereas I'd always suspected it was more a matter of convenient

That kid got lucky, as the brave hero was merely trying to "restore order" by injuring the students. If he had actually "feared for his safety" he would have shot her fourteen times, along with the school mascot who appeared to "lunge at him" in a "threatening manner".

As a trademark attorney you should also know that what exactly constitutes parody vs dilution is hardly settled law and if you intend to use a trademark parody in your business, you must be prepared to be sued, or at minimum, harassed by a larger and more well-known company.

Here's the thing, what colbert is pointing out (quite effectively due the outrage) is that as a general culture Americans don't get offended by certain racism or slurs over others even though they are JUST as offensive. People passively allow a team to be called the redskins. I mean HONESTLY-can you imagine a team