I go for the Katie Baker. I stay for the Andy Greenwald. Also, the hockey coverage is good (and again, Katie Baker is a big part of that). Otherwise, screw Grantland.
I go for the Katie Baker. I stay for the Andy Greenwald. Also, the hockey coverage is good (and again, Katie Baker is a big part of that). Otherwise, screw Grantland.
The funny thing about the Simmons/Grantland "Can Aaron Paul make the leap" or "Is Jodie Foster overrated/underrated" pieces are you can tell how uncomfortable the critics are discussing these issues.
That awkward moment when sports are technically pop-culture
Why You Can Definitely Talk About Sports AND Poop Culture
People like sports, and some of these people also like pop culture. I think its just as natural among my friends for to ask, "Who's a more significant television character: Walter White or Tony Soprano?" and is it to ask, "Who would you rather have as a QB: Aaron Rodgers or Tom Brady?"
Drew Magary’s Thursday Afternoon NFL Dick Joke Jamboroo runs every Thursday during the NFL season. Email Drew here.…
Fuck this Winning Time was great.
All Things Considered, I don't have a problem with his response. Sure, it wasn't exactly On Point, but he can only deal with the Here & Now, and the Olympics aren't until next year. Why does he want to give a quote that could become the Talk of the Nation? I'll tell you what though, I bet afterwards the Caps PR guy…
Now try getting a gun into the UK.
I did PR for brands involved in sports for many years worked with average players and absolute legends. This was a failure all the way around:
I think most PSU and Paterno critics have established the fact that legally Paterno followed the rules. The problem is that he did the absolute minimum to cover his ass and never bothered to think why Sandusky was still allowed on campus with boys after McQuery came to him and the incident prior where Sandusky more…
He can't even think of those epic Notre Dame / South Florida match-ups without being immediately bombarded with childhood memories of his dad hurling empty Bud Lime cans at the family Roku in frustration.
Agreed! Definitely qualifies as an historical, almost on par with that SMU Oregon grudge match throughout the 90s.
Come on now - nothing he said was wrong.
I worked at the University of Oregon for a while in the development, aka fundraising, department. People defend this and will claim up and down that they are doing what a donor wished, but this is just putting your fingers in your ears and screaming "la la la." They are so completely, willfully oblivious to the…
I will always like July 27th. It will always be the day of the Battle of El Alamein. True stopping-the-Nazis fans know what I mean.
P.S.: I will never like August 23. It will always be the day William Wallace died. I just hate this day. True Scotsmen know what I mean.
I will never like July 27th. It will always be the day my ability to even attempt to defend what Bill Simmons has become died. I hate this day. True Boston Sports Guy fans know what I mean.
This post would have been fine except for the "No one knows pain like a Boston sports fan" trope. As a sports fan, I feel bad when a young athlete in his prime dies young. As a human being, I feel bad when a young man like Trayvon Martin gets murdered and his killer walks away, too. News flash: Death is sad. You don't…
There goes Bill again- a better and smarter fan than everyone else. I guess only "true Celtics" fans can understand the sadness and lost promise of an athlete dying in his physical prime. Why don't you and House and Jacko explain it to us. And while you are at it Boston Sports Guy, why don't you show us a picture of…