Amanda Braxton

it’s interesting that she experimented with all these styles because that fro would throw me off in a heartbeat but no matter how on point or well done those locs and boxbraids made her look straight up white. Like her biggest mistake from straying from the “fro” was that box braids and loced natural hair is not so

Am I the only one who is somewhat disgusted for putting Lebron’s privates on blast like this??
(for anyone getting ready to say “but you clicked” I was expecting some kind of lebron photoshoot where he bares all or something. You know. something consensual)
If this was a woman people would be burning houses but

My kneejerk response was why would a white woman want to be black but tbh it’s pretty sound.
She gets to talk smack about white women and white opression without having to closely examine herself. She gets to partake in the syles and the community and if she really needs to use her white privilege she could. It’s like

except no

we are already aware that race is a social construction but you can’t treat it like gender fluidity.
You can’t be as white as the rain is wet and then decide you are going to be black and then co-opt the struggles of actual black people. Her tweets are kind of creepy and almost insulting, you can be an ally

i suppose this also goes along the lines of hypermasculinity in which simply being there is doing nothing, that you have to enact violence or else you are not a protector. In the case of you mother she may have reached out to ask for action but your daughters may be different. They may not want you to take action and

I can tottally understand the whole “i was weak once but never again” reasoning of your choices but if you say that you will enact justice in any way you see fit despite whatever wishes your daughters’ (or any rape victim) may have then this no longer becomes about protecting them it becomes about proving a point to

It seem quite a few people have interprited this woman's choice as a revenge against the men she's dated by punishing the men she will date and I'm here to clear that up (or at least provide how I'm seeing it). It doesn't seem to me that she is trying to punish men. Her past experiences of being jilted on the

if you're unapollegetically racist you're a terrible human being. Like she's not just problematic because she's an ignorant white girl in a white girl world she's problematic because she has been told and people talk about it and she puts her fingers in her ears and goes "lol lol you haters"
pluss she's got some shit

well she sucks but thats not only because she's talentless
she's also a terrible human being
who is being lauded as an amazing human being with some new talent.

And you know you would have point if she wasn't still famous.

I like the shade of lipstick but I feel it overshadows your natural beauty and bangin eye makeup. Personally I think a more natural shade of lipstick/slightly tinted lips would have been better

But the makeup artist really did do a good job bringing out ur natural beauty

o my apology i totes forgot the one black friend rule my bad

I like you mark I really do.
But anyone else feeling the disgusting irony of a non black-dude (white idk) declaring twerking "over"

did you not read her suicide note?
idc if they loved her in their own way they drove her to suicide by humilation, isolation and neglect. They where abusive and where blinded by their piety to treat her like a human. They treated her subhuman and even with her suicide note and everything thats going on they

Reddit forum TwoXChromosomes, which is "related to gender, and intended for women's perspectives,"

Name it all caps REGICE or regice
or Reg Ice



can someone explain these feet?????

yeah okay but...can we stop doing this?
this idolizing of attractive peoples after committing crimes just because they are attractive?