You mean Dethklok? The "band" that embraces every single Metal stereotype there is? Oh wait, that was Manowar.
You mean Dethklok? The "band" that embraces every single Metal stereotype there is? Oh wait, that was Manowar.
I could play Doom 2 on the Micro, that's well enough. Of course now it no more matters because I can play it on the PSP a lot better, but back then it was awesome squared plus four.
There's, well, this. Why tell if I can show. These guitars are extremely awesome.
I'm probably one of nine people who owns a GB Micro. It's small alright, but the part where it lacks backwards compatibility is bullshit. Sure, you can play all your GBA titles on it, but what about that old Lucky Luke cartridge I've had lying around for like fifteen years? No, sir!
Giger can design titless things, you know.
Looks really rather Giger.
Uh, yeah. Right. Absolutely. That's only one panel of one of the comics, I chose it because it is funny in itself, but it lacks context.
Oh, hey, thanks. Good to hear.
Look, more comic!
I thought the same thing when I saw the monsters. Which is ironic considering that Dead Space takes a lot of it's gameplay from Resident Evil 4.
I laughed. Well done.
Ahoy mateys! More shameless self-promotion!
As long as it flies. Or used to fly. In either case it's not a motorcycle helmet.
Motorcycle? Looks more like a jet pilot, really. Pretty awesome in either case. I even have 400 MSP left on my account, so definitely a launch day purchase for me.
I'm still here! No end in sight. Ain't I awesome? Well, no. Incredibly nerdy though.
Once again, Generic Title with an off-schedule Sunday issue because I felt like it. Decidedly off-canon this time.
New and only today: A comic that is not on schedule. And short enough to not muck up the thumbnail, that has to count for something.
I STILL make comics.