I can almost guarantee no one reading this has a table saw.
I can almost guarantee no one reading this has a table saw.
I’m not a Pocket user but doesn’t triple-clicking the Home button activate VoiceOver on iOS?
I like the premise. I think there is a distinct lack of people just being themselves and far too much following the herd.
“...enough that one-third of its buyers are adults.”
Big Hero 6 is a fun, entertaining movie, and today’s featured workspace celebrates one of its main characters.
The place and the routine are hugely important.
Moving up the ladder comes with increases in salary. You can live a modest, but comfortable life on an archaeologist's salary. I earn enough now that I have served as the sole breadwinner in my family since my son was born five years ago. We don't go on a lot of fancy vacations or anything, but we own a small house,…
You (hopefully) spend eight hours per day in bed, so if you aren't totally satisfied with your current pillow…
I didn't know snot until I read this article
Most positions that pay well look at your credit and criminal reports before offering on boarding, so good luck with not giving up ss number and getting a decent paying job.
Nothing says ghetto quite like using cinderblocks as furniture.
Okay, now this obvious question. Is it possible for those of us who have existing Gmail accounts (had mine since Gmail was an invite only service) to remove Google+ from our profile?
My 5 was jailbroken back in the iOS6 days. I thought it was pretty neat, and I enjoyed many of the tweaks. I decided to upgrade to iOS7 before that jailbreak was completed, figuring I'd just keep it standard for a little bit until someone figured out how to crack it. I quickly realized that I didn't miss it being…
This is sad. Why would anyone do this? Boredom?
Ok.. this may not be the best place to vent but no less, I simply can't go any longer without venting my frustration and will copy to a few places in hopes that people might think twice before they comment with rhetorical negativity.
Definitely. I read that the artist(s) who drew the Joker used as a model Conrad Veidt's Gwynplaine character in The Man Who Laughs.
"[T]he very definition of heartless evil," but he took a good picture.
Have you ever wondered why characters like Hannibal Lecter are so compelling? Almost despite ourselves, we’re drawn…