
Tell me, is it possible for there to be multiple winners of two or more?

I’ve said for a long time that the term “political correctness” is merely what the right-wing use to describe what the rest of us would call kindness, consideration and respect. Being able to associate those things with politics, which a lot of people don’t like nor trust, was something of a master-stroke.

A few weeks ago I made the ‘boarder mistake somewhere on one of the GMG sites. When it was pointed out, I was very disappointed and upset with myself as I am any time I make a mistake. Now I see Mafia Don doing the same thing I am so fucking pissed at myself for doing anything that could be associated with that cretin

Ha! It amuses me that some Germans are putting Vauxhall badges on Opels as I was just thinking if I had a Vauxhall VX220 Id be tempted to badge it as an Opel Speedster, on account of Vauxhall being British and therefore crap, whereas Opel is European and therefore exotic’. I wouldnt do it for any other Vauxhall, tho

It’s a reasonable hack & slash with stealth and exploration elements, so maybe a bit like a very basic Arkham game as far as combat is concerned. Not as smooth, though, and the combos are more complicated.

My 1995 Civic Coupé has:

My 95 Civic has one too. I’d never seen one before when I bought it.

Finished. Ive no idea what else I’ll play, if anything.

I’m still playing Viking: Battle For Asgard from last weekend. I thought I would finish it off last night but the last level is a complete pain in the arse. I’ll try again tonight.

“If I can do it, anyone can”

What are you doing. Ignore them and walk away”

My thought process while reading:

I had to scroll this far and no other recommendations?! Disgraceful.

I was very confused for a moment, thinking why have they added that guys head?” It didn’t help that I thought his collar was a tent.

There were two Awkward Zombies this week. This was posted on Monday 3rd.

I saw Jezebel mentioned on The Simpsons yesterday, though I dont know how old the episode was.

Last weekends Jet Set Radio didnt last nearly as long as I expected, so for the last few days and this weekend I have been/will be playing Viking: Battle For Asgard. It has its issues and frustrations, including not saving my choice to invert the Y-axis, but it’s generally quite fun.

All the body armour, gloves, character in the near background on the left, and presence of the bike/trike have me wondering if this is another Trials crossover. Probably not, but the thought amuses me.

I wondered the same, but he doesn’t appear to have any tattoos. They could have been removed from the art until a later date/reveal.