I take it you’re not a sports person?
I take it you’re not a sports person?
If only people that can play your game for 20+ hours a week can get ‘good’ gear, you’re doing something wrong. A lot of us gamers are growing up, and with that come jobs, children, responsibilities, etc. that keep you away from the game. They shouldn’t listen to the 16-24 year-old High School and College student that…
I am just as disappointed as the next guy with Destiny 2. But I wonder, at what point do we need to just accept that “Destiny 2 should have had all these features at launch,” and move past this fact? Sure, it may be too late, but Bungie’s development update directly addresses the vast majority of major (and even…
Haha, this has always seemed to me to be the most delicate balancing act of any MMO-style game. Casual players (like me) want cool weapons and outfits too, but aren’t willing to (or can’t) consign ourselves to a strict raid schedule. When the casuals start getting some decent gear from non-raid equivalents, the…
Now everyone muddles around with one-and-a-half ways to play: shoot with your primary, or use a rocket launcher whenever you manage to get the ammo (all other weapons being too risky to waste the opportunity).
Cocaine and basically a sex bot (Maximum Derrick!).
This. I bought the switch 3 weeks ago and already have 5 games for it.
I’m not going to list all the games I have for Switch that aren’t on Wii U, but you must have very narrow tastes if you think Odyssey is the only thing worth buying for it.
There isn’t a reason for you to do so. It’s for the gamers who were too young, or too bothered by it’s unique control setup. And likely to measure if they will do a TWEWY 2, based on sales and interest. Remastering games isn’t for the folks who played it the first time, at least not normally.
It does add a new scenario and is a good way to bring it to new audiences at least.
Encouraging and perpetuating the benefits of a healthy diet and exercise aren’t the same as attacking people about their weight. Know/learn the difference.
I really hope this happens. Along with that Xenoblade game that was also released on the wiiu. TMS shouldn’t be left to die on that system.
“If you hear me talking about white Jesus or white Santa one more time, say ‘Where you going, racist ass?’”
She is in desperate need of being personality shamed then.
I couldn’t shoehorn it into the post so: don’t give up, skeleton!
Thats pretty obvious. Things will get very cold in the Good Place. Very very cold.
Was a big fan of Lodoss War back in the day. Caught the first episode of Grancrest. Slow start but you’ll have that.
Mike Schur said that the writers have discussed it, and have a plan in place for such an emergency.
you think chrome isn’t a memory hog?
you do know it runs every tab, as a new instance of every plugin, for every tab... in chrome? most plugins persist even after you close the tabs