
In FFXV, every day is Halloween, and she's dressed up as Sexy Mechanic. I see nothing wrong.

An outfit from a Final Fantasy game that doesn't make any sense? Unheard of!

This is a JRPG. The outfits will never make sense. xD

True. But Harry Potter had to cut a lot through the entire series to fit into movies. Meanwhile, The Hobbit was artificially stretched out and padded with superfluous scenes. I think HP probably should have had like, 3 more movies (4, 5 and 6 all could be cut into 2 films).

Just like the small group of people that convinced them to release Xenoblade, which was so successful it led both to a New 3DS port and a Wii U sequel? Or the small group of people that convinced Microsoft to drop their XB1 DRM?

"Throw some gravy on that sumbitch and sell it for six bucks!!!!!"


Can't beat this Indiana fan's insightful comment, replying to his local station's story:


Because air has mass. The more air that is in a football, the more mass it has.

1. Cheating is wrong.

He wants to be superior.

Fishing Holes!

Depends on the size of the pocket, really. Most people fit the XL in their coat pockets.

I can see why they would only be pushing the XL in North America.

incorrect, only in Europe its included. Not USA.

99% sure this will be limited, like the other two Zelda special edition 3DSes were.