
no items, reggie only, reggie.

My body is stagey.

That's what I like about Kotaku, there's lots of longer, more in-depth articles and reviews, with humorous little blurbs like this sprinkled in. I don't always have the time and willpower to read a 10 page fart-sniffing manifesto on "The elegant and flawed nature of the modern first-person narrative experience" (or

It looks straight outta Jojo to me.

The face looks terrible imo.

The Wii edition is my favorite. Maybe you don't get the best graphics but it has all the extra content and very good controls, aiming is much simpler.

It wasn't a catch because he was falling towards the ground when he gained possession of the ball (note he double clutches it before he gains possession).

"Sorry, I thought you were black."

Heh, so they say Mario should be on the phone and then a phone game ends up on the 3ds. Hah!


I have a Japanese one. This never happens, ever. The slot is also "firmer" and takes more pressing in order to eject.

As a North American, I'm jealous of ALL New 3DS.

I know the whole "it's fixed" thing is a bit of an overreaction. But it doesn't help quell that notion when the NFL can horribly botch multiple crucial calls in a single game and can simply go "Oops" after the fact with absolutely no repercussions for the officials involved.

they just chose the wrong screenshot is all. not a big deal.

There's no split screen in Dark Souls. And estus flasks aren't "lying around". They're refilled. And Dark Souls isn't linear enough for waist-high walls to be a problem.