
I thought Poise was here the same way it was in Dark Souls 2, where Poise means that your attack animations cannot be cancelled( but still ripostable) if you have higher Poise. The again, Poise hasn’t really been explained that well, and it’s not a value I look at while choosing armor...

The “Banish Zone” is where your “removed from play” cards go. I don’t play the game anymore, but I remember it used to be a hazzle to know where to put them while playing. Now, I’ve seen they’ve included the zone into the playing mats, which I guess poeple must be grateful for.

Oh, how I hated the fact that enemies dissapeared after you killed them a certain set of times. “Want to farm for souls? Sike, no more enemies for you. Want to farm for certain gear (and BTW we gave them horrible drop rates)? Sike, you can’t”. They kinda fixed it letting the Champions covenant having them respawn

I do this too. I set my sign outside the boss room, so I can learn too how to fight the boss, then fight the boss in my world, and help some more people defeat said boss.

It’s understandable, the Sunbro way of life is not fit for everyone :)


Sunbros teach other bros how to play the game, not do everything for the host ;)

I’m actually fine with those ranges, and even now that it also checks the invader weapon and yours to make a match . I imagine there’s a way to exploit, but it’s WAY better (in my opinion) than Soul Memory. I love helping people against difficult bosses and farming souls that way , and after a while it was impossible

Actually, Dark Souls 3 (and before that 2) has Voice Chat if you want to enable it. Go to Settings, Network, and there is the option to turn it on. I’ve never done it, only with friends, but with randoms, I like that type of mystery.

Soul Memory was awful and I’m overjoyed it was removed. People more experienced love to help other people and Soul Memory was a great obstacle against any kind of cooperations. It was meant to stop overpawered but underleveled player from hunting newbies and backfired horribly.

“Amazing chest ahead” and a picture of Anor Londo ;)

EVERY meme? I don’t see THE Legend anywhere :/

Well, they were asking about the original Dark Souls :)

It does, but better not spoil anything :)

I’m not a US Citizen :)

I wish every quest had matchmaking. I haven’t done any raids or any of the prison of elders quest because I don’t have friends to play with and people won’t do those quests with any random (seriously, I haven’t found a kind soul to help me).

or Havelcopter for that matter.