
Not really a fan of microsoft, but this is a really (and kinda logical) good move. Why re-buy your old games, specially if you have the disk, if you can put them on your console, copy the file, and play them on your new console. Let’s wait until he hear more about the implementation.

“The enemy team, naturally, does its best to cover the dicks back up—though it’s hard to tell if they realize what AlpharadTV is doing.”

If they are looking at their gamepads, I’m pretty sure they know :)

The thing, seems like DC excels at doing great TV shows (some exceptions of course) and animated series/movies. I don’t care about their cinematic universe one bit, but THIS? I’m actually waiting eagerly too for it.

Still, they took their pretty sweet time to pull it, since my friend send me the link on facebook pretty early. As you say, seems like it was meant for E3, and hope we get more info then.

I know, it has happened to me a lot, and I knew what you mean’t. Just tried being funny ;)

“Wear comfortable shows” Not sure how to pull this off but will try ;)

That didn’t really answer my question....

What’s with Japan an their fascination with Schoolgirls wielding Katanas?

But, does the game lets you play a guitar that spits fire, while being on a car?

I haven’t played Bloodborne (lack of PS4) but I wanted to know if there’s an equivalent to Dark Souls’ SunBros in there.

I actually enjoyed DmC. I felt it had a good story and gameplay. Maybe polish a little bit more the combat, but it was a fun experience. Now, waiting for DMC4 Special Edition ^_^.

It was stated on the Nintendo Direct, that they would be adding new maps.

Finally. I really liked this game, but it was awful how quickly your weapons would degrade on the PC version. Hope the patch is for the regular version of DS2 and not only for the SotFS versions...

Maybe that’s why it surprised me more, because I got through the game almost no reading anything about it (only thing I read, was about the infinite money trick), so when I got both endings, the only thing that didn’t surprise me was Airy.

I may be one of the few people here that actually loved that repetition, and it’s because inn all of those cycles, the game teases you to get the bad ending, which I did, because I was curious about why Airy was giving you all those warnings, so I did what she told me not to (Trying not to spoil anything for people

Just for the 3D is worth upgrading. I tried once the 3D effect with MH3U and it looked great but it was pretty easy to lose the sweetspot so I didn't tried it again, but now with the NEW3DS and MH4U, I'm using it almost all the time :).

It is pretty fast. In my case, almost immediately loads the game.

A very early April's Fools?

Nothing like the reliable Switch-Axe great range, great power and blade and axe mode are awesome. Even better if it has a Power Phial.

It never even crossed my mind to play with other people in this game. Honestly, just until yesterday, I thought you could only play by yourself unlike RE5 .