
Yeah. He is acting like a dick. Adrian Gonzalez seems to think he's a steaming pile of shit too. Maybe the guy is just a douche? Perhaps that's why his own manager hates him? Deadspin is starting to look like Skip Bayless fawning over Tebow with the constant blind Puig defenses.

Puig is a great player, no doubt. But all evidence points to him being an immature shithead who just can't seem to follow the team rules or the laws of our society. That's why he gets the attention, and deservedly so.

I'm a fairly comfortable heterosexual male but I would love to see multiple Michael Fassbenders in a movie.

1000 respondents, all by phone? Useless, next. Good race-baiting headline though, it got me to actually look into this.

Am I the only one who couldn't give a fuck what other people are doing when I'm at the gym working out? Do people really give a shit about what someone else has on?

He wasn't a casualty of cap space. He was a casualty of being an idiot in Boston.

SEGA brought over Yakuza 3, Yakuza 4, and Yakuza Dead Souls. they all sold awful.

Ashley Wagner's hand-wringing about dodgy scores and shady decisions seems really rich, given the circumstances surrounding her inclusion into the Olympic team.

What goes around comes around.

LOL we're all so happy for your amazing life. Good job! Please let us know how fancy your children's birthday parties are in future tangentially related posts.

Because you can't or too lazy? That reply always seems unnecessarily snarky.

You're wrong. This is an opinion based blog, it has never been a respectable news outlet and it never will be. It's your fault for believing anything on this site as anything other than the writer's opinion. Even when this site posts facts and statistics they are skewed through the writers perspective and framed

Agreed. This sounds like the opinion of someone who has not actually watched the show.

I bet this thing is going to have huge blocks office numbers.

Will white people finely acknowledge that the justice system treats them better?!

Wait, so now measures to curb obscene executive compensation packages are a bad thing?

Piers Morgan asked questions that could have been more delicate. The solution to this "controversy" is another conversation, not engaging the internet mob to demand some half assed apology or GLAAD re-education.

Good for him. So exhausted by the viciousness of trans activism as an organized body - tumblr made incarnate in a wave of screeching incoherent voices. This is the new normal if every one of their cultural sensitivities isn't catered: create a wave of abuse and sneering, mean-spirited calls for groveling apologies.

Here's a similar month-by-month chart featuring depression levels of Houston Texans fans.

It's hard to see how we can help kids stay healthy until society gets its fat hate under control.

" It's hard to see how we can help kids stay healthy until society gets its fat hate under control." This is so, completely, utterly wrong.