You're accusing somebody of using a straw man? That's rich.
You're accusing somebody of using a straw man? That's rich.
The trouble with rape as a capital crime is that there might be a greater incentive to kill the victim. There might be less incentive for a jury to convict a rapist, and we have a low conviction rate as it is. Plus I really don't believe in capital punishment anyway. longer sentences, but not capital punishment.
You make a good point.
Strange place to sign, you would think a rugby player transitioning to american football would need coaching.
"Jameis Winston, the Florida State quarterback whose rape charges were dropped after a delayed investigation"
Part of the real problem is that people are describing themselves as a mere size 12. That's not small.
Nope, no way. I'm 6' and my legs are fine in any domestic flight...looking for reasons to be part of the group. violated someone's space, he muttered something sotto voce, then you went and wrote an angry screed about it?
hasn't had a fresh take or interesting opinion in years!? Are you kidding?! Have you read what he has to say about coffee this week?!
Another King tweet after the game:
"A season-saver? "Carolina came into its game against the Saints with a 10-4 record.
As a neutral observer, pretty much everyone commenting on this thread has their head up their ass.
Do you realize what a shitty life that you have that you created a screen name specifically to jump on a soap box and rant about a dude that you have literally no clue about? You claim that you are successful in life due to douche bags like him while speaking about his shitty job. His shitty job is a business that he…
How about this:
The attorney looked like an idiot for taking to twitter to rebut the reporter, but I have to say that I kind of agree with him in principle. The player was not convicted, let alone charged, with any crime whatsoever. His team just won a big game, and after putting his celebration with his teammates on hold and taking…
Jezebel's head exploding once again over the fact the US judicial system still won't automatically throw a man in jail if he hurt a woman's feelings after a one night stand.
Why do you guys wanna lynch this 19 year old black boy so bad? The investigation didn't even go to trial, the evidence and witnesses (which included the accuser's friend), were in his favor, and he's been courteous dealing with the media about it when he really doesn't have to be.
is it not possible, that every other time they break eachother's stuff it's staged as well? I mean, obviously these guys do some kind of show, so perhaps they've discovered that breaking eachother's stuff makes them money, therefore, they've gotten real fond of staging videos like this? I mean, the excuse that "they…
A woman (or man) who knowingly sleeps with a married person is one of the lowest life forms on Earth, but at the same time I have a problem with any type of public shaming. There are other ways to get back at these assholes, and actually, they will probably lose in the end since they are ipso-facto now dating a known…