
Maybe — just maybe — instead of focussing on how students pull all-nighters, we should focus on why they're pulling all-nighters in the first place. While taking Adderall as a study aid isn't good for you, existing in a system (like the U.S. college system, for example) that limits your access to proper rest is just

That wasn't James Harden?

Well, I was missing a stupid Alpha, but then you came along.

Oh FFS. Tell me, why is this girl more important than the four other children in the Philly area who need a lung transplant - and the 40-odd adults in PA? (Not to mention all the children and adults in need of transplant in the surrounding states.)

A lot of people are wary of GMOs because of long-term public safety and health concerns. These fears are misplaced—not only are genetically modified foods regulated by the same rules as “regular” food, but there is also a broad consensus in the scientific community that genetically modified food is safe to eat.

The idea that forms in peoples' minds when we talk about genetic modification is that of precision work. Phrases like "gene splicing", which are complete misnomers. Monsanto merely took the corn genetics they had, bombarded it with whatever they were experimenting with at the time, and the corn that ended up with the

I'll say the same thing I say every week: you should be ashamed of yourselves for publishing this garbage.

I'm just an average dude doin' average dude stuff. Like wearing a tuxedo on a motorcycle. Or carrying around twenty puppies. Or jumping into a swimming pool in my work clothes. Or getting into a mustard fight with my model girlfriend and the mustard fight turns into a block party. Or walking out of the office and

she met the male gaze, she controlled where it landed, and she liked it. Her message was: Look at me, I get off on you looking at me, and I want something for it. Only in the last decade or so has this become an acceptable expression of female power.

Yes, as if naming and shaming accused rapists on Jez is any different. I suppose Kate is going to post an apology should he turn up innocent?

Assholes will heckle regardless of whether or not the comic is a woman (they're just more likely to yell about your tits if you're a woman). A good example of this is actually Darren Frost, the guy Christina was middling for (who tried to have the guys heckling her thrown out). He had a video go semi viral recently

lol upon further review of my own comment history, I see your point.

You are dead wrong. The people who judge other based on attire are making a horrific mistake, because one's attire and ones competence/abilities are independent from each other. Dress codes and sneering at "underdressed" people are a huge waste of everyone's time and energy.

It makes perfect sense to care about what your boss, clients, and professional contacts think of you. Adhering to a professional standard that is different from your private life reflects a good sense of judgment and ability to follow rules and use discretion- much like you don't fill your facebook with a hundred

You sound impossibly vapid and endlessly judgmental. Its almost like some one took every negative stereotype about snobby, privileged New York children and poured it into one human being.

Yeah, everyone. You should all be ashamed of yourselves for not spending more of your money on clothes, which are so ridiculously marked-up compared to their production costs that you might as well be setting your money on fire, and for not spending more of your time worrying about whether or not your clothes conform

Whatever works for you, Prizzy Bizzewski, but I've got shit to do, and that shit doesn't involve wasting my time making myself look pretty for fucking HeLa cells.

If they wanted the Americans to go away so badly, they should've thrown vegetables and elliptical machines at them instead of beer.