
That's a fair question. I don't think feeling remorse and being a hypocrite are necessarily mutually exclusive, especially when one follows the other. I also don't think he's any different from the average 18 or 19 year-old, but nfortunately, the average person seems to have a pretty hypocritical view of porn stars - T

Is he really being "outed"? We already knew what his name was, that he watched enough porn to be able to recognize particular performers, and that he was a massive hypocrite from the time the first article about this broke. Porn Company CEO Publicly Shames Dude Who Outed the Duke Porn Star might be more accurate.

I seriously have to remind myself she's not a Harry Potter character every time I hear her name.

There are few things that make me want to do violence to another human being, but this is one of them.

My husband is the same! Generally very open-minded and knowledgeable, but it was only a few months ago that it finally came out that he didn't understand that women didn't know when their periods were coming. He understood that we didn't know the exact hour, but he thought everyone knew what day and even general time

Maybe I'm just cold right now (It's supposed to snow tonight. Again.), but I'm going to go with Sweater Monster. Besides, my cat would like it, because it's pretty much a pre-made laundry pile.

We've discovered that if we give the cat brush to my friend's daughter, everyone is happy. The cat never gets tried of being brushed, she never gets tired of brushing the cat, and she has something to do other than listen to our boring adult conversation.

My cat does that, too! He rubs his face and head all over the brush. Sometimes he gets so excited, he bites it.

That actually sounds a lot like how my depression manifests when I start to spiral down. I'm annoyed at everyone and then I hate myself for being annoyed at stupid, inconsequential things that obviously normal people would not find annoying, but I can't make myself feel any different. And then I realize that this is

Can you tell her she still owes you $40 in gas (or whatever cab fare would be) for that ride to the airport?

Ugh, I'm so sorry. I grew up in tiny town northeast of there, and I got the hell out as soon as I could. Do you have to stay with your family after graduation? If you do, at least you're midway between Asheville and Charlotte. Asheville is definitely gay-friendly, and even though Charlotte is generally pretty

You're definitely not alone. There's a whole genre of "couple's" pornography, but if it's not making you feel good, you should try something else. Maybe reading an erotic novel or collection of short stories together? I find I like that better than movies, because it stimulates my imagination more and I'm not worrying

Is is Shelby, N.C.? There are few places that make me want to die more than Shelby. (Sorry, anyone who lives in Shelby.) If possible, you should try to spend some time in Asheville and the Research Triangle (Raleigh, Durham, Chapel Hill) to keep yourself sane. They are your N.C. ally towns.

Oh, yes, Fangirl is sooo good. It was sweet and hilarious. I didn't want it to end.

I really appreciate honest outfit criticism, if I ask for it. (i.e. "That shirt has a weird neck" or "I think it's doing weird things to your boobs.") It took years to convince my husband it was okay to respond truthfully.

My little brother (okay, he's 19 and six feet tall, so not so little) loves Kanye. I asked him pretty much the same question the other day, and he made me a CD sampler of Kanye's songs, then proceeded to play it for me during a 3-hour car ride and explain what was going on in the music world and in Kanye's life when

Totally. She looks like she's from space. The Spongebob one looks like a really lazy Halloween costume.

Yep, even if the victim really did flirt with her caretaker, the fact that she had dementia and her caretaker knew it makes this a really fucked up non-consensual situation.

If only that vandal had stuck to dicks! (Never thought I'd say that.) Unfortunately, librarianship is a hard gig to get where I live. The last time I hired someone, I had over 80 applicants in two weeks. We have people with Master's degrees applying to shelve books for $7.50/hour. I hope it's not such a tight race

Southern librarian here. Most groups or individuals who object to a book for whatever reason just steal them off of the shelves, and we don't find out about until someone goes looking for the book. This happens ALL THE TIME. There are certain subjects that you know will only be there for a certain amount of time