
Maybe I'll start a service where I bring small, cute mammals to everyone's workplace. No one is ever mean to you when you're holding a puppy.

The compassion route usually works for me until about 3:30 in the afternoon. After the homeless guy who refuses to use any computer except #5, the mom who leaves her four year-old unattended in the children's section while she goes on Facebook, the retiree making snide comments about how it isn't fair that we're

I've been on Celexa for three years now, and it's been awesome. I felt a little tired and spacey for the first few weeks I was taking it, but then that went away and it worked exactly as advertised.

We're plagued by a visitor named Gray Cat. Gray Cat poops and sprays in our yard and torments our neutered, indoor boy cats. If you find a way to keep them out, let me know. I can tell you that waving your arms like a muppet and running across the yard whooping is only a temporary solution.

Unfortunately, I'm in charge of five other employees, so I'm not just responsible for my own work, but for theirs, too. I wish it was easier for me to not let things get under my skin, but I guess I'm not wired that way. I used to work in a much more emotionally charged environment, too, but that seems to have made my

LOL, the straight guy contingent is usually one guy in the back of the room going, "Woo hoo!"

I actually really like most of my job. When someone asks for something nicely, it's a joy to help them find it, and I enjoy the clerical side of things. I'm just introverted, and the constant stream of people wears me down. Add weird, passive-agressive BS ("Don't you think it's ridiculous that you're closed on

That's a good idea. We used to have Stitch n' Bitch nights among my coworkers, but that fell by the wayside. Maybe it's time to reinstate that tradition.

Yay! I'm so happy for you. I hope it turns about to be just as wonderful as you hope.

Thank goodness for decent human beings. This reminds me that I had a PRIEST - in traditional black with clerical collar - intervene on my behalf one time when a woman was screaming at me about how she never knew she had to return library books to the library.

I work in a library as well, so I know what you mean about being extra careful about where you put your feet. It's a professional prerogative to be helpful and make sure people get what they need, and I genuinely want to be helpful, but neither of those things stop me from wanting to scream sometimes.

Most of my friends have come from work, but my old, married self has also found friends at Board Game Night at a local comic book store and through my husband's D&D group.

So guys, for those of you who work with the public, give me your stories about how you handle the stress of rude people or even just answering the same question over and over again day after day. I've working with the public in various positions for 14 years now, so I should have some excellent coping strategies, but

The oldest and most well-known gay club in my medium-small U.S. city has the same dynamic going on, only it's probably 50% lesbians, 40% gay men, 9.99% straight women, and 0.01% straight men. (The DJ will often do a "scream if you're part of x group" thing, which is how I know the way this breaks down.) I'm a straight

Seriously, she's telling tales about their MUTUAL FRIENDS when he's specifically asked her not to. That's a totally reasonable boundary.

The most important thing to remember is that it has nine lives.

He sounds like a keeper. :)

I want to take the library school class that requires this as a textbook.

Orange juice and skydiving. Plus all those pointless elevator rides.

A few years ago, one of my former high school classmates (a guy) sent me a friend request on Facebook. Okay, cool. This was someone I knew in real life, and my memories of him were that he was a pretty nice guy who had been in ROTC and my senior English class. I accepted the friend request and looked at his page to