
I found this fascinating. I think the part where he talks about his experience with her on a human, interpersonal level has upset some people. And I understand why - there should be no effort to “exonerate” her, or to revise history for us to view her perjury as non-criminal, or to view her taking 6 decades to come

You are right about the impact of not eating meat, but as both a scientist professionally and environmentalist personally, I don’t think the latter part of the argument is true. I’d say solidly half of my colleagues are also vegetarians, and as a person whose primary work is on agriculture and rangeland (animal

Exactly. The goal of terror has never been an isolated event. It has been to drive the masses into a herd psychology where they abandon all reason, logic, and compassion as a result of fear. And guess what? Terror has won.

Who’da thunk it’d be a dude named after an amphibian would turn out to be slippery and slimy? I apologize to all newts out there for this comment, you are actually cute lil animals.

I am so sick of “we’re going to take a look at that” and “we’re taking a look at that.” I hate what we are accepting as reasonable executive branch communication these days. I am so angry that this nincompoop is our president.

It’s also really another form of misogyny to assume she can’t have as fucked a personal view of the world as her husband, or to assume that she is somehow an “unwilling participant victim” in her marriage, or to play into the idea that a way to insult men is by the insinuating that this beautiful woman doesn’t really

I see you, and I thank you. I cringe and feel deeply ashamed every time I see white feminists calling black women “divisive” or demanding people stop even mentioning “color” or calling for “unity” when what they mean is, “stop rocking the boat, non-hetero-white people; we’re doing enough, don’t ask for your equality,

My desperate plea throughout the election was, “When someone tells you who they are, believe them.” This is a good GIF.

Do you think she would be interested in something like Viktor Frankl’s “Man’s Search for Meaning” (which is the product of his time in a concentration camp and how it led him to realize the importance of finding meeting even in the 7th circle of hell)? It’s something to chew on, might help pass the time. Good luck.

I am personally all about the theory that Melania is Cheetolini’s handler (at the bequest of Putin). Unless that’s what you meant?

They honestly remind me of this, except rather than making me laugh they make me weep.

You lost me at “big boy and big girl pants.”

Religious fervor has always just been an outlet and a convenient justification for broader oppressive trends: misogyny, patriarchy, *-phobia, capitalism, invasion of other countries. Doing away with religion would do little to combat the reckless and feckless self-interest that it is so often invoked to excuse.

Even where outright complicity doesn’t exist, there is this “oh, it’s not THAT bad” insistence that I consistently see from people (mostly white, straight people...) that I find infuriating. There’s this vision that somehow 2016 is fundamentally different from the previous several millennia, that we’re suddenly safe

I think you vastly underestimate people’s recognition of cognitive dissonance. For most, there will be absolutely no issue hearing Ivanka say one thing and and Trump say another, and they will nod their head and agree with both. Because most people (I used to say “some people;” that has changed) are just plain idiots.

I had to google “doin’ the most” and am now guilt of doin’ the most. :(

She likes money, a lot. Money is what matters to her. Nothing else. When you consider that, everything she does suddenly makes sense.

I just wanted to promote this, and say that I also called the clinic and confirmed that they set up this Crowd Rise (worst thing would be for it to go to someone working against reproductive rights!). They were so friendly on the phone... just even appreciative that I had called to voice my support.

Fuck this lady

Oh my god, Trump’s constipated face.