
The Rothschilds and Rockefellers would jump off a bridge tomorrow if they woke up with only $79 billion.

How else do you people think Olimar survived the Pikmin games?

He kinda seems like the M Night Shamalan of the video game industry.

I worked for 10 years in the industry and dealt with stuff like this multiple times.

Things have not been easy for the little portable console ever since its launch over 3 years ago. One of the biggest complaints early on after the Vita's release was the lackluster library of games. However, since then, things have picked up somewhat. While it has yet to release a million-selling game in Japan, the

Must be the guy who designed the N64's controller.

Skyrim is nothing

They're just bystanders that were hoping to steal a phone.

And they don't make that kind of money either...

Maybe if he bought 99 Nokia phones instead, they could have been... N-Gage'd

Yeah I call bullshit PR stunt: Computer programmers don't have this many friends.

When you pay for a product, you are entitled to receive that product.. You fuck-nugget.

if i paid for it YES THE FUCK I AM. But since nobody knows yet we'll just wait it out.

It's a disaster for Sony' image and consumer trust in their ability, that's for sure. Seriously have no idea how a dev team with such serious resources can be this flakey. And the thing is, they keep coming out with some impressive features, but it always, *always* blows up in their face because of stupid issues which

One of the best, and best-looking JRPGs of the last decade is coming to Steam. You can get it for just $14 with code SPOOKY-TREATS-GMG20X. [Valkyria Chronicles]

The timer is so you can't just share the game with people for an unlimited time.

But how can they implement this feature if they don't require all games to be digital downloads and require a 24/7 connection to the internet, even when not using the feature?

Using a controller with your PC is nothing to be ashamed of. Console controllers were designed for comfort and the function of playing games, keyboards are designed for typing first and foremost. The only advantage really comes from shooters or other games that need movement precision. Would you rather play Smash Bros

Well no, they did actually re-draw them using the original sprites as a base. Nothing changed design-wise, but they didn't just throw an interlacing filter over the top and call it a day.

I like the new art. Some don't, they prefer the original, and that's fine.

They didn't change the graphics in any significant way, they're just "HD Sprites", see below: