
But, I mean, this is comparing PC to PS4.

Hopefully that's enough censoring.

tl;dr version: smart people are smart.

One day they'll be reasonably priced. One day...

Really, you picked this image to go with a tsunami-related story?

Just got my Comcast cable bill yesterday. Raised $20 for no goddamn reason. My service has been shittier than ever. They're actually forcing us to subsidize their fucking attempt to buy Time-Warner.

It ruins your eyes. If your eyes arent exercised by focusing on far away and nearby objects, then the muscles that articulate the lens in your eyeballs get weak. You will effectively drop the effective range of your eyesight, so you'd either lose long sight, short sight or a little off both, depending on where your

Don't get too excited, without 3 hollywood machine made films the joke would have bombed.

The most amazing part of this is that we're living in a world where the President of the United States can make a joke referencing a (formerly) B-list Marvel Comics character and everyone in the audience is right there with him.

Too soon? Too soon.

Obviously but it sold 3 times more compared to the PS3 which is an achievement.

it's technically banned in loads of places in China, the problem with most things in China, smoking included is the enforcement of the law.

I was about to say the same, but remembered the ending to Shaolin Soccer, which means everyone would've kicked his ass. I think.

I mean unless you're 10 or something, then maybe hold off a few years.

Nah just see it, it's good.

Poke-MILFs, gotta catch them all!

I think it would be fun if Kotaku disabled the direct posting of gifs for a week to see if the comment discussion improves at all.

Ah, let me clear this up for you. In Japan, Danganronpa 1 was first released on the PSP. Then, earlier this year, it was released with updated graphics on the Vita in Danganronpa 1・2 Reload. NISA bought the western rights to the game and is releasing the Vita version of Danganronpa 1 from Danganronpa 1・2 Reload as Dang