
I want to be like ISIS and rob 400 million from a huge battlefield.

The War on Terror was always a war on Americans. We should not be handing over armored humvees and trucks w/ .50 caliber BMG to our police force. I trust American soldiers to do the right thing way w/ that equipment way more than some high school GED cop.

Have you ever Googled: Does our generation play video games? It's interesting to see the results. Anyways, pretty much our entire generation has played a video game or at least they're forced to acknowledge their existence.

$100 dollars cheaper eh? Sounds familiar to today.

Ha @ Nintendo for betraying Sony and Sony saying, fuck it, we can do this, so fuck them.

This would be the shit. A pokemon game w/ google maps. The augmented reality possibilities excite.

Mind blowing idea: Pokemon $ tax in-game to build nicer tunnels and expand more tunnels... maybe not mind blowing, maybe done before and I don't remember.

Bad ass manga, absolutely top notch. Could have ended it a bit happier but the love was there, then it was lost.

Well, code doesn't work no mo'. Would have brought one at $400.

Nintendo's really gotta kick up the resolution for the bigger screen. Stretching it is just cheap.

Probably will check it out but hoping for a second season.

EA's evil. They've singlehandedly killed so much creativity to homogenize the market with mainstream crap.

Jupiter gets ratchet on the internet.

PS+... XBL... cheapest game rental services out there lol. Black Friday + $30/$60 and you're fuckin' set.

Someone understands why Half Life still sold well years after its release.

What most of the world hasn't realized is that: Old KGB Russia and old Mao~American capitalism China still has the same state controlled press and people really good at controlling the media. 'cept we don't have any old WWII generals or men with balls in government these days. Just some president's kid and some "oh I

Keep them stars, boys. Photoshop that shit in and remember the old days of glory, ban hammer and rampant flame wars! Kotaku's golden days.

Sad that you had to explain the buttons to other people, those non-gamers.


My opinion, not that it matters: He's a sellout and hasn't produced a single good game for a long ass time that he can stand behind. It started with Fable 1 and ended right there.

Dat PC life.