
Thank you. I HATE her. She's annoying and can never get her shit together.

Oh and it was free or close to it. My Hep B shots cost WAAAAY more.

Ok guys, not sure about other states, but here's what I did. My parents didn't tell me anything about it, we never even had 'the talk'. I was like 15 and went in and got it at my local health clinic. So did a friend of mine.

Well I don't mean to sound crass, but what goes around comes around? I see nothing wrong with them releasing their names. The publicly posted threats.


I'm so, so sorry. No one deserves that.

Hope those 'boys' die horrible deaths. Sorry, but it's true. They are total scum.

I know I shouldn't, but I must say that you commented exactly what I was thinking.

So hard to not tell them they're idiots. But you're right.

I'd venture that a majority of our service members and our civilians are good, honest people. Let's not label the entire country a fucking joke quite yet.

Honestly I didn't know who Robyn was before today, but she has a new fan now!

I don't understand why everyone is being nice to this guy. Screw him. He didn't even apologize. Anyone who gives two shits about womens rights wouldn't have done something so offensive ON International womens day. Hope everyone boycotts his restaurant.

As horrible as that was to read, thank you for posting it. I wish more people would think about this before making ignorant offensive 'theme' night shit. I hope his restaurant closes, don't care about his bullshit reasoning.

That's what happens when we teach girls that that's how they are meant to be treated, as a piece of meat. The problem is that we teach everyone that women are meat. I'm sorry that happened to the girl and I'm sorry you had to deal with that disgusting bullshit.

I love all the parodies on the stupid tampon/birthcontrol/yogurt commercials. I liked the yogurt with birthcontrol on the bottom one better.

It is so amazing and so encouraging that things like this happen. I love Patrick Stewart, and everything he said was so on the mark. Even the way he says it, the conviction, the emotion. AMAZING. And extra hope for humanity points that this is men speaking out to men, telling men to not hit, not women to be harder

I love him. So much.