
As a Grandmaster player I can tell you that if you want to climb the ladder or get better at Overwatch, you should play almost every single hero.

Then you obviously don’t understand how a competitive eSports team works.

Someone has to be in last place. Doesn’t mean they are terrible, and especially if they’ve taken maps against some of the best teams.

Try using RivaTuner and set an FPS lock. Improves frame timing for alot of games.

I’m super sad, it does feel like the final nail in the coffin for the Vita in terms of Sony support. It truly is an amazing device that I will continue to use for years to come. I have a library of over 200 Vita games and I still play it every day. If anyone is curious, yes.. the Vita is still a legitimate purchase in

As an experienced player I have no problems.. but I can see why casual players wouldn’t be able to keep up.

I can’t believe people are still saying faggot in 2018. Grow up.

Issue bans for shit done off Twitch? LOL!

Get rid of violent video games? LOL... it’s up to the parents to decide what their child is exposed to. I can tell you this.. I’ve been playing violent video games my entire life and not one have I even considered killing someone. Without the stress relief that those violent video games helped with I think it’d be a

Any chance you fuckin idiots can use embedded video that has volume controls it’s 2018 for christs sake.

I honestly tried to watch it.. but even from Shrouds perspective on stream I was still bored. I just don’t think PUBG can do the whole eSports thing.. the game is too random to be competitively entertaining. Watching Shroud lay waste to a bunch of people only to get out circled is just lame.

Cool, so Sony doesn’t want my money anymore for Vita games. Time to let my PS+ die.

Dunno what’s more pathetic, the fact that she embraces being a Twitch slut or the sad saps that actually give her money.

Activision missed out on a huge opportunity with releasing remastered/HD versions on the Vita. Let’s hope they smarten up and get some on the Switch.

It’s not a problem at all. Even professional players have off days... it’s good to have a backup or allow someone to rest when they’re ill.

A piece of tape can fix that. Or you can cut the LED power cord. :P

It’s not.. just simple electrical engineering knowledge. Creating a massive surge of electricity through any component will degrade it at a significantly faster rate. Two identical computers, one left on continuously and one shut down every day, the lifespan will be nearly double that or more for the one continuously

I was speaking from a last resort perspective and clearly stated that. I’m not proposing teachers go out and face armed gunman without cowardice.. but If a shooter is going to force his way into your classroom, and you face certain death.. it’s only logical to defend yourself and your students. Having a gun safe in

So what happens when the military and police don’t stop an invading army? There are alot of living, breathing, people out there who experienced Nazi invasion 80 years ago while being unarmed first hand. I can tell you that the stories I’ve heard and learned about IN SCHOOL were not very pleasant. You’re naive to think

Just curious, if the military fails to stop an invading army.. are you going to baseball bat them to death to keep them from raping and pillaging your family/home... these are stories told from people still living and breathing.