
> Active soldiers are highly trained in the safe and proper use of firearms and probably should

Wonderfully worthless reply. Coulda saved yourself time with a well said, “dunno”, followed by, “inanimate objects make me scared”.

FWIW, didn’t necessarily have to be airstrike. Newest iteration of dumb-shell chuckers, (might have been the Howitzer, was capable of firing 3+ rounds in quick succession at different angles that all bore down on the same target, ballistically landing on target at the same time. Can’t find the video on my phone. If I

This item is not for you. It’s for people like me that the winter to summer elec difference is $200

Apparently, it’s a common missive to let it happen. Even Adam Sandler, when attacked by a big cat, said he resigned to death.

I’m curious if you know the difference between a Hispanic American, and an illegal immigrant. Cause it sounds like you don't.

> They didn’t steal jobs from anyone. They took jobs many others wouldn’t for that same pay.

World Peas

And let’s not forget, Vanessa was fired.

> it’s that he punched someone in the face who was seriously outclassed in all physical categories

Look everyone, the only human being on the planet that has never done something questionable! Bow before this wonderful specimen of human!

Came here to say the same thing, wtf was he thinking? Spectator at unsanctioned event just as culpable.

> I’m not going to be blame her for having stayed in that situation.

> So anyone who experiences anything negative or unpleasant in their lives and doesn’t immediately pack up and leave gets what they deserve because they weren’t held at gunpoint?

> there’s just nothing we can do to control every single person and stop them from raping people

Awesome! Now you understand the reality of MENTAL ILLNESS!

Please, everyone stand up that thinks, “normal males” rape women. Good, everyone is still sitting. Yeah, see... men don’t rape women. Mentally Ill people commit sex

One of the heaviest, slowest, worst blind spots, no rear view cars I’ve ever had the misfortune to own.

Haha, stable at 150. If I had a quarter for every street driven STi that could even make it to the 147 top of my Maxima, I’d have one more quarter in my pocket.

> and literally not one single person has ever said anything about hair on my thighs.

Just about popped my jaw out yawning over the specs. So 1990's.

When I was an installer I always suggested features such as those for upgrades, with many of the same reasons. Glad to see an informed consumer/parent.