
Is it weird to say I want her eyebrows?

Don't get that $47 contour kit. Nope.

Grew up Catholic. Depending on the weather, if it was already hot outside by Easter, you’d absolutely shed your outer layer after exiting. Especially if it runs until noon or 1pm. And especially if your packed church’s climate control is lacking.

Same. In the summer I'll wash every three days, but winter I might go four or five. And when I do wash, it's with a handful and a half of Suave Naturals Clarifying Conditioner ($1.50/bottle). Every 3-4 weeks, or if I've used some kind of hair product, I'll wash with an actual shampoo (the Suave counterpart to the

For some people, Reagan IS their Jesus.

<3 BME. I met my fiancé, several great friends, and all of my artists on IAM years ago. RIP Shannon indeed.

NEVAR! Come down to the southeast side. We're cool here.

Tangentally, I'd like to throw out that you need to vote where you live. I live in Austin, and I'm not from Texas, but I still vote. In Texas. In my county. Because as much as I love my home, and don't intend to stay here forever, I live here now, and the politics in my city, county, and state affect me here, now.

I worked for a for-profit college for a while. Almost every one of my students was a parent of multiple children. Most of them were going to school to get a better job to better provide for their families, but the majority left with no degree and staggering amounts of debt. Pretty soul crushing.

Ugh. And if said DMB fan refers do Dave Matthews as "Dave."

Exactly. I'll be returning to work sometime late next month.

I live in Austin. They're sending all of the samples and stuff from Dallas down here. I should probably go home, too. For safety.

Also this! I've ended relationships partly because the other party DID want kids. That was MY deal breaker.

I try to believe that my friends that say these kinds of things aren't trying to be condescending, but they really are. I've heard so many times after saying that I don't want kids (not because I hate them, but because I've never felt that desire), that in a few years I'll probably change my mind. The way some of them

They are very, very bad. Here's a short list: skull abnormalities, slits where ears should be, cleft palate, thyroid problems, eye and face deformities, nervous system and cardiovascular problems. Accutane carries a black-box warning for a very good reason. There's a good reason for all of those pregnancy tests. I had

Yup. If she'd been following directions, and heeding the TONS of warnings she probably received from her doctor (nobody wants THAT lawsuit), she frankly wouldn't have gotten pregnant anyway, short of what would practically be immaculate conception. The documentation you're given when you are put on Accutane/similar

This x1,000. Microtears! This is even worse if you have acne or sensitive skin - very likely to just exacerbate the problem.

The info on SkincareAddiction is legit. Thanks for sharing the link. If anyone is looking for an alternative to a microbead cleanser, or anything else, I'd recommend going there.

Ack. Ack ack ack. Re: all the baking soda recommendations - no. This isn't good for your skin. The general pH of your skin is around 4.5-5. The pH of baking soda is around 9. It might work for *your* skin, and in that case, you're lucky. But recommending it to someone else, especially with some other harsh ingredient

St. Ives Apricot Scrub uses crushed apricot pits, which isn't bad. The bad part is that they have jagged edges, which can cause micro-tears in your skin. It's pretty harsh.