
Agreed. This is a breakup song that actually seems honest, and reminds us that there are two sides to every story. Think the lady who broke up with him is evil? Well he probably wasn't totally innocent, either.

To be fair, Ursula may not have been her actual name from birth. Most of the nuns I knew growing up, upon becoming nuns, received different names.

Damn. If they dig themselves a hole any deeper, they're going to need to get one of these:

It's probably for the best that Taylor Hanson and I DIDN'T end up getting married, like I had planned, since I still don't want kids. If the Hansons had a reality show now, I would totally watch it.

Normally I could give negative craps about celebrities having kids, but I'm pleased as punch for Anna Paquin and Stephen Moyer.

Seriously. I miss button up tops. Unfortunately they either end up looking like something out of the "Hot for Teacher" video or like a tent. I just want a nice, professional shirt, dammit.


Nah. I have that in my playlist too, along with (sigh) Korn. Please don't laugh. The bass and beats are awesome for running.

Today I Learned! Emotional and psychological health of the mother, or father, is a huge deal. Also, just straight up not wanting to have one should be serious enough, I think. But then I think that if you truly don't want a child, you shouldn't have to.

You don't even need user error to get pregnant doing this. Practicing this method should only be done if you're fine with getting pregnant, because that's probably what's going to happen eventually.

"While he said couples could delay or decide not to have kids "for serious reasons," there was no explanation of what exactly those would be."

Everything with Hyde was better. That might just be my crush on Danny Masterson talking, though.

Came here to say this, but as you mentioned, I'm sure it's deliberate. One would hope after that many years of makeup that he'd have better lining skills.

Brad and Angelina are probably already married or something.

This is freakin' adorable. And a little more like what Mr. Wisdom and myself have in mind, when we get to that point.

What I do like about it: it's something fun and interesting in a sea of beadazzled, strapless columns. What I don't like about it: something about the cut/proportions of the skirt vs. the top seems funny. I'd be curious to see what the front of the dress looks like.

Seriously. One of my cats runs under the bed the minute I start picking things up off the floor because he knows the vacuum is coming, and doesn't come back out for half an hour after I'm done.

I can't articulate words and I think I just forgot to breathe. Sweet jeebus.

Which makes the point moot, anyway. The people who are going to shell out money to Perry are, primarily, people who don't need the services of PP or a similar organization. They're the kind of people who could also, say, procure a safe, quiet abortion were they made inaccessible to the rest of us "poors."

I like it when people who are total nut jobs have the writing ability of sixth graders. Keep rambling, honey, you just look like an idiot.