
While I don’t doubt one second that talent agencies would blacklist people for speaking out against Weinstein or other Big League Hollywood Predators, how do we know she wasn’t blacklisted for simply being Courtney Love?

If they think a simple phone block is gonna stop me, they’ve got another thing coming:

How does a 10 year-old car still look so delicious?

Saturn SC in a fat suit.

To their credit, they have some of the best silver paint.

As an OEM on my 5th car launch... this is how it starts. A new body line is ambitious and tuning and optimization is often done months into start of production.

Ha, you made a funny!!! A totally lame one by the way - what do you think they average age of buyers are for ANY vehicles in this class?

I totally started reading this rolling my eyes and finished with a smile. Thank you, fine person.

I wonder if it’s name is Tata

Nicely done.

These things need to be banned until the long term health-effect of living near them can be properly studied and vetted. There’s strong evidence of negative side effects from the constant low frequency pulse of the turbine’s motion. They built one near a friend of mine’s uncles house. His wife suddenly got herpes out

I know this is horrible to point out and probably politically incorrect, even though it is factual.

I’m probably going to get lynched, but I didn’t much care for season 1.

To be fair the NSX is massively overpriced (and overcomplicated), while the Type R seems much more appropriate.

Of course the Alfa gets five stars. Can’t get into accidents when it’s in the shop.

These tests do not accurately reflect the real-world usage of an Alfa-Romeo. A rear-impact from the breakdown lane is by-far the most likely crash for a Giulia owner.

I would guess that Poupon is this guy’s favorite mustard and what he did to his drivers seat.

I wish I could star you twice.

I was going to suggest that the engine had to be rebuilt twice (in 7.51 minutes) but your idea makes more sense.

Alfa does like to cut corners, so this isn’t surprising.