
jaguar really nailed it here, and may have just set a new trend. body color venting, with some true design to move away from the usual grills. nice move Jaaaaaag.

yet another reason for me not to take Uber to work every day anymore. i’ve been using lyft exclusively since Kalanick pulled his stunts.. i’m sure they don’t miss my measly $3-400/month in fares.. but I’m doing my part to show customer choice goes with moral corporate conduct.

this guy is like Shmee, only actually enjoyable to watch and not annoying as FxxK

I’m at “a loss” to understand what you mean ;-D

no turbos were harmed in the making of this video.

i have an automatic email from ebay every morning alerting me to prices on used E63 wagons.. there is a magic threshold i’m waiting for and then BOOM! your theory doesn’t escape me my friend

i don’t know.. reading the thread it really seems like you were the only one coming off that way? what am I missing?

this is the difference between American “collectors” and British “collectors”.. people there actually use their cars, here in USA we obsessively store them. There are many like this guy in UK who really drive classic cars.. good for them.

i just happened upon this website which i’m understanding is targeted towards a black audience. I’m a white person, or Italian.. not born in this country. Reading this site makes me understand a little bit of how difficult it must be to be black, especially in the USA. There seems to be so much identity crisis, so

notice how they mislead the crowd into thinking F1 is still worth watching by using older but ACTUAL F1 cars with ACTUAL pre-hybrid engines. ugh.. miss those days

Now playing

i must say that for once I back Trump’s uncaring bitch-ass stare.. this is a country’s marching band on their important day.. the average american kindergarten classroom marching band would put this to shame.. let alone one of our many university marching bands. This is like a lonely joke.

wagons are getting expensive though!

all these reports make gearheads so sad. but if this is the reality.. this means we go back to the germans.

some are better than the traditional shows. MRJWW for example is authentically good. he’s not casey neistat levels.. but he actually puts some work into the videos.

that’s because he looks like an overgrown baby with the same enthusiasm which is ok in a baby, but not in a grown man. there.. i’ve deconstructed that emotion for you.

but you still watch him don’t you.. you’re strangely compelled arent you?

two words: Gordon Murray.

your fantastic response engendered further greatness. thank you, laughing so hard right now.

i’ve been to FOS various times, and I never knew there was a rally stage.. is this new or am I just a huge dufus?

maybe therapy? or medication?.. i’m open to all options for your health