
How unfortunate:

Don't worry, Liza will be on stage later in the evening and I'm sure zhe'll zhay zhomthing about Ellen Dezhenerizh.

No. No they won't.

Her dick shows through her compression shorts?

Don't forget the $ for the contraband phone, slipped to another inmate to film it. And Christ on a cracker, please don't let it be vertical!

Would I like to go for a ride? Hmmm. This isn't Disneyland. And it's not the dentist's either. What gives?

"Mock Apple Pie — No Apples Needed!" haunts me to this day.

Yesterday I saw Spam With Cheese on the shelf in the market, and I died a little inside.


Baldwin is seen here rehearsing with LaBeouf:

I'm sure with a little digging, we'll find out all that ice is made by slaves.