Alex, a nameless Kotaku reader

That he looks like a manly woman?

Am I the only one thinking Reggie looks like a muscular transvestite here?

Get better soon, dude!
You make Kotaku such a nicer place.

Hey, that username is pretty cool :V

Whatever, are we getting a shop-contest out of this?

I think you're missing the point here, champ.
Interesting story, though.

I swear I'll cry if that happens.

Well, for some countries is really hard to pay in dollars.

Best comment in this thread :V

Double XP is using way too much text... they've been giving me constant TL;DR's lately :T

They complain about that gigantic section of a fan community who throw other people under the rug simply because they don't agree with the way other people play... and I'm talking about a big part of the SSM community.

Oh, a character they confirmed to be a stage hazard (or boss) is going to be part of the game's roster?

Oh yeah, that official Sugimori art in Greninja's page was a nice surprise :V

M-mobile devices...?

Oh, wait... I just cheked their steam page and... Oh mai gosh! :'0

This is, like, a dream for me :'0


What do you mean nothing? They obviously are going to get a big cut of the money they make when selling the final product :V

Well, this is really idiotic.
Come on, guys. You gave your money and that money was used for what it was intended for. Now the Oculus needs to grow and this was the only way, you don't deserve that money back and you are not entitled to it anymore.