Then ill try the other games.
Then ill try the other games.
They are sometimes used on soft targets.
Are you saying stronger anti-material rounds couldn't be developed in the 13 years left until the game takes place?
Speak for yourself.
I've never been interested in the assasins creed games but this one seems interesting.
Ahem []
We already have a version of those.
But with shitty graphics and a worse storyline.
On a way that doesn't include much physical effort.
Why not? tell me how else the minecraft concept could be adapted to the the real world.
Saab 9-3 because Saab.
Wait until a price drop and a game increase, i love mine but i know i should had waited.
My 69 Mustang has a similar handle (don't ask me why, it is comfortable) i ended up putting a piece of cloth on it everytime i park the car.
Excuse me sir, but the question was for the worst car interior, not the best.
It doesn't ''appear'' to have been built in a shed. It was built in a shed.
My ARMA ll experience so far:
The Z3 is from 1998, it's not a new design.
If the buttons were 1/2 an inch higher as in the Wii U it would fit perfectly into my big hands, sir you might have made an important discovery.