
I'm sure some weird japanese fetish site has them.

''Young adults think 'it's not cool to be safety conscious'': Bullshit like this makes me hate my generation.

The seller calls you ''BRO'' every 5 seconds.

People are stupid enough to break their own window instead of using their key on the door lock?

If the option were between the 69 boss 429 or the Olds i would choose the Boss in a heartbeat, however ive never been a huge fan of the 70 Boss, something about it just doesn't click with me like the 69 does but everyone has the right for it's own opinion.

Won't work with carbureted cars!? Well, at least i still have my Turboencabulator and 100MPG water-injected black market carburator.

Let's face it we all knew the winner would be a Boss Mustang. but seriously who voted against the 442?

How is that suposed to help you save gas?

Us foreigners donĀ“t have such over the top infomercials, ours only have stuff that works such as weight loss sprays and anti Vudu amulets.

Re-read the first paragraph.

If it is %10 as shitty as the auto you dodged a bullet.

HP is not that important on electric cars, what you should be looking for is torques(around 350/400 is a nice spot).

Fake boobs, ill let myself out.

Because then they would not be able to market it on the US.

IIRC they used it to simulate a car bomb.

Sorry but that interior is actually really cool

What the fuck is that?