
You have taken early adoption to a hole new level.

Were can i buy those gloves?

Any person that drives a car with that on should be executed in front of his family and "bros" as an example.

My submission is not a car but an engine,the engine in question is this:The Ti-VCT 5.0 liter V-8 engine on the 2011/12 gt mustang,imagine if this engine had been available in 1970 when the oil embargo happened instead of eventually killing the muscle car Detroit could just had sticked this on this on the

I don't know why but i just don't like this guy,frankly if the show was just Tiff Needell and Vicki Butler-Henderson i bet it would be a much better show.

I´m too afraid to google it,is it a town or what?

Yes both the F-117 and the B-2 spirit are ridiculously expensive but we know they work and we have actually used them,IMHO the public perception of the f-22 would change from (its a waste of my money!!!) to (oh my god that is awesome!!!) if we had video evidence of one taking down a target(even a mockup one)from said

Exactly the same thing is happening here,a couple of years ago you never needed more than 15 minutes to get anywhere ,getting to the mall used to take 7min. now it takes 20 and also as i said before you don't "really" need to make an exam to get a drivers license so new drivers never learn properly,people coming to

Oh please,you think that's scary?,come to southeast Mexico in my city Merida(950,000 people/450,000 cars) we have 5,000 car accidents with 500 to 600 deaths a year and that's not counting bus deaths(bus drivers are not required to pass any special driving test),our drivers license test consists on a written test(you

Ok,the first movie as bad but not that bad so didn't had big expectations for a sequel, however after seeing a G.I. Joe sequel trailer featuring John McClane i swear i literary giggled and contorted so hard that everyone around me thought i was having a stroke.

How could you not include the first supra-100mph car The Gobron-Brillié? []

Yes,but harder to fall out from.

or you could get the Drophead Coupé (which would only be chauffeur driven if the passenger were either the queen or Elton John). []

Now playing

Not that i don't like bentleys in fact the 2003 Bentley Arnage in brewster green is on my top 20 car list,but if i had that amount of money i would buy a Rolls Royce Phantom because it looks better,drives better(according to my uncle who drove one) and wont get me confused with some random rapper living beyond his

Well,due to the horrible depreciation(despite being fantastic) on mid 90s/early 00s Bentleys if you look carefully you can find an ok one for 15/20 grand or a good one for 20/25 so not exactly cheap but payable,and since your work is building bentleys if(when) something goes wrong you can just ask your coworkers how