
I think all this means is that forces can now consider Hyundais when they go shopping for a new car. Probably it would be as urban patrol cars- the same thing they use Astra diesels for now. Most British police cars are not expected to engage in pursuits, and many police drivers aren't even allowed to use the blue

@P161911 probably shoudn't have: Bonus if you pick the straight-twelve (yes, TWELVE cylinders in line) version. I can't find a picture of one of those, though...

@ccc40821: That DS wasn't armoured. It drove off on three wheels at high speed.

@gman1023: Here's Nicolas Sarkozy at his inauguration as President (in 2007), in the one-of-a-kind Peugeot 607 Paladine.

@Dawgvet06: The closest Greeks can get to Peugeot is Πεζω (Pezo), which happens to sound the same as the Greek word for "pedestrian"

@AlexG55: Damn, failed to post the image, let's try again.

@Alfisted: This was made in Austria-Hungary, that counts, right?

Any faked German super-saloon:

@Christian Riber: No, the 406 Coupé is only a poser car if you mistake its purpose. It's not a sports car, it's designed for one or two people to travel ridiculous distances in comfort (ideally with the 2.2 diesel).

@Van Sarockin, rogue trebuchet: Not a kei car. It may meet the modern kei-car regulations, but not the ones from when it was made, when the displacement limit was 360 cc.

@gallahad: I think you could get one SVA'd in the UK (which is, after all, where they're made).

"I would have given a thousand dollars for a rear-view mirror"

@DittoBox: I think Finland and Switzerland do that with speeding fines- but they base it on your income not what your car is worth, so the miserly millionaire in a beater still gets stung, while a genuine enthusiast who spent years working on a classic to make it as valuable as it now is doesn't.

@360glitch: The BMW M12 F1 engine got four-digit horsepower out of a stock road-car block in qualifying, and needed 500 fewer cc to do so. I'm not sure if only lasting 3 laps and regularly destroying transmissions counts as "no problem", though...

20 here, can drive a manual. In fact, neither of the manual cars my family owns has a tach or a shift light ('65 Volvo PV544 and '71 FIAT 500)- though I learned to drive stick in a modern Ford Focus. Bias due to spending a lot of time in the UK, though. Perhaps you should do another poll splitting it by country

@frigg: As someone who drives an FJ62, it's pretty hard to get one going fast enough that you're in danger of getting a ticket...