@Brian: Cogito Ergo ZOOM!: In a Soviet uniform with a modern Russian hat and an Iron Cross...
@Brian: Cogito Ergo ZOOM!: In a Soviet uniform with a modern Russian hat and an Iron Cross...
Doesn't look like there's much space for air in those tyres anyway...
@slowjoecrow: Note that this was in the UK pre-WW1. This means both that the speed limit was 20 mph and that warm beer in July sold pretty well...
@maximum_sarge: Cumbria is a pretty damn remote area. It's not like he was driving around the streets of London, he was going from village to village in the hills that pass for mountains over here. He then drove his car over the steepest mountain pass in the country at the end then walked three miles back the way he…
@brc is never late, because of his v8: "small luxury jet for filthy-rich oligarchs", you say? Here's the Aerion SBJ. Expected to enter service in 2014, and they've already got orders for 20 of them.
@nutbastard: Oddly enough, Toyota do- a Toyota being the only post-2000 car I'm that familiar with. There's one weird nut on each wheel, which loosens only with a special tool that comes with the car (and lives in the glovebox).
@AlexG55: There was also a version made of wicker!
@JC Whitless: If posting on a Mac, it's alt-u then e to get ë.
@wkiernan: Sorry to confuse you. A lot of readers wrote letters into Autocar at the time calling Steve Sutcliffe (the journo in question) an idiot for not wearing a helmet. In his response, he said that had he known that Pizzonia would be racing the car around the track, he would have worn one. He was under the…
@nick2ny: not unless the caption is wrong. Pizzonia rolled the S-type at Jerez, which is nowhere near Barcelona. I can see where the confusion would come from, though- apparently he rolled it because he braked where he would if he was driving an F1 car, and the Spanish GP is held in Barcelona.
@jbh11126: And it's an Overfinch, so it's almost as fast as the jet. Not to mention that it lacks that silly raised roof that makes you look like you're either handicapped or the Pope...
@Van Sarockin, rogue trebuchet: I see several diesel Mercs 300D/ 300SD with trailer hitches in Vermont.
@buick61: Forget those, in the UK we had a 480 mph Rover Metro a couple of years back...
For some reason, despite not liking German cars in general, the only cars I've hear my mom mention wanting are Porsches. It shouldn't be too modern and ostentatious (she doesn't like that), but also not too primitive. I've heard her say she likes the look of 356's, but I'm not sure she'd want to own one. A 964, I…
@pauljones: Unless you call this a car. TOW missiles top out at 621 mph, this keeps going past 700...