
Did he give it to her with a nice bottle of Chianti and some fava beans?

Did... did she need it or was it just like... “here, have this

Not over this one. If applies to another police department, his felony record is going to light the shop up like a Christmas tree.

This won't work for me because their workers are not unionized. 

Sigh.  Still no manual option.  Pass.

Its a shame that people who don’t like EVs can’t recognize the value of all that torque to help them move their goalposts all the time.

“Only 520 miles? Needs to be 1,000. If it were 1,000, I’d buy one tomorrow.

This EV won’t work for me because the commute to my job is 20 miles each way and once I get there they don’t give me enough money to buy this car.

I’ll be patiently waiting in the comments for someone to come say how this EV won’t work for them because their commute is 600 miles each way in the snow towing a 12,000lb trailer.

love me vintage Yahama livery. So much I slapped some replica vintage stickers on my modded Razor

This should be the response 100% of the time.

Ubiquitous recording devices in everyone’s pocket just makes it easier to capture all this shit and show it to other people, so it *seems* like there’s more. 

On my flight home from Charlotte, a woman standing at the gate started to throw a fit about wearing a mask, and the (sassy) gate attendant simply said, “Ma’am, I don’t get paid enough to deal with your shit. You sit your ass down and put on your mask.

It’s just what happens to us old white guys unless we’re fitness buffs. I’m starting to look like a thumb myself. A few of us aren’t assholes. 

Just. Don’t. Tweet. That’s the main lesson here. There is literally no upside to using Twitter in 2021.

For help visualizing, this is the dent it left:

I feel like “Is it still possible to get deals on leftover models” is more of a question for Christie Brinkley or Paulina Poriskova.

I hope his wife fucks his brother at his funeral

They’re cops first.

Avis should give the guy a new Corvette. Look at all the great PR that’s generating for that Chevy dealership. In fact, new Corvettes should be the default response to all “administrative errors” and other corporate fuckups from now on.