
I’m convinced that most major corporations are just a house of cards — nothing more than accounting tricks to keep their heads barely above water while the executives enrich themselves. Tap one little card at the bottom and everything comes crashing down, except for executive salaries of course. Gotta take care of

But yeah, the people wearing them alone in their cars are cracking me up.

...joggers who have the mask on their chin until they see you and then pull it up...


Did the jogger sneeze on or around you? If not, you’ll be okay.

Yeah, but how strong is Indian’s T-shirt and bandana game?

It’s not as thought OEM’s are selling MORE trucks than any normal time, it’s just that they are selling MORE than anything else right now.  There won’t be a glut of trucks any more than there is any other time.

I’m not trashing “people who put food on your table”, It’s more about people having unrealistic expectations about purchasing trucks that get more expensive every year. GM is pushing their trucks, and besides the Corvette, pushing everyone else away to other brands.

Customer: “Okay.” *goes down the street to the Indian dealership*

Hard disagree.  I’ve seen them in person and think they look fantastic.

<runs out to buy one now>  I’ll store this in my garage up on stands for 20 years then sell it for a huge profit since it’s a special edition - Boomer in training

Well, that Escaladed quickly.

Filed to: Jezlopnik

Full sheets of plywood, any thing between 5'3" and 7' long, etc.

This. All subsequent deliveries should be dropped at the gate with a note that the HOA President is responsible for the “last mile.”

I think this guy is selling his.

FUCK HOAs, always and forever, amen.

I bet this neighborhood’s NextDoor page is full of delightful conversations.

In my fantasy world, If I owned that store or delivery service I would immediately suspend delivery to that gated community and just tell people I will drop it off at the gate and they can call that racist piece of crap Stewart to complete the delivery.

“What I love is how ANY and EVERY white person is deputized to enforce their version of the law when they see fit.”