
WD-40 is not a lubricant, and people who use it as such are only setting themselves up for long term failure. It provides lubricant-like results for a very brief period of time, but in the end, will only dissolve any remaining prior lubricant from the application area and then evaporate itself, leaving you with

just like the Royal Family?

oh, never do engine mounts.

They’re gonna drive anyway. Might as well make ‘em pass a test. The bar can’t be that high in NY.

I would 100% be doing this. I can wait longer to make someone in front of me miserable for flipping me off earlier. 

Now, now...

KTM makes it work pretty well.

... try biking the “Great River Road” along the Mississippi from Grafton IL up or down stream. Every third vehicle has loud pipes. I enjoyed the ride for about 6-7 minutes. 

92% of statistics are made up on the spot.

Found the harley rider...

The headline mystifies me too.There’s no way this can be anything but good!
I’ll be absolutley stoked to to see the end of that whole scene.
Most owners were either genuine criminal assholes or -especially in the last 30 years- pretend assholes.

More than that, I’m delighted. In Fridley Minnesota in 2010, a loud pipes shop opened about 600 feet from my house. It drew bikers from miles around. All hours of the spring summer and fall, they’d open the throttle on the 60 MPH highway adjacent to the store and half a black from my house. You couldn’t sit outside

They should be arrested for filming in portrait mode....

They just need a to create a separate event called “Curbs and Mustangs”.

That’s because the ADA doesn’t require service animal owners to carry documentation. However, carriers can ask two specific questions to which the owner should have readily available answers.

Alice isn’t technically flightless when on a plane.....

The relationship between the British press and their royalty is baffling, hilarious, and deeply creepy.

I have a friend of a friend who worked the White House situation room for a couple years, very prestigious position within the Navy. His job was to answer calls, route them appropriately and in some cases make transcripts. He was there for the tail end of the Obama admin and the beginning of the Trump admin, this is

The publisher behind the overwhelming majority of this coverage is Rupert Murdoch. The publisher behind the overwhelming majority of climate change denialism in Australia, even in the face of the wildfires, is Rupert Murdoch. The press baron behind much of the mad dash to war in Iraq in both the US and UK was Mudoch.