
That cop in Rock Hill? He was a fucking all-star of assholeishness, a true shining example of all that’s wrong with traffic enforcement in this country.

There were stories about that guy pulling people over for doing 26 in a 25 MPH zone. I remember eating lunch with some colleagues at the Trainwreck once and we

Like the guy who turned off Trump’s twitter account, there are heroes everywhere. And in the procurement office of the Miami Dade PD, we have a hero who is righteously dragging his feet on the that order for new tickets.

Typically they do have county police in the Northeast, but they’re often called sheriffs. Though their presence depends on how much policing they have to do in the area (unincorporated vs. town, city or village police) and how they are chartered.

But there are some pretty big county PDs (not sheriffs) in the

I’ve been saying this since all hell broke loose: Either the biggest fraud ever committed happened before our very eyes or the most incompetent bunch of idiots ever assembled was running the U.S. banking and finance system. Either way, all of those assholes—from the top down about three or four levels—should be out of

Yes, to the Yankees. It only cost $295 million. Pretty sweet basket.

Do you think he would value protecting his legacy versus $90,000,000? I honestly wonder.

I see him getting traded back to St. Louis, with the Angels picking up all but $1,000,000 per year or so. That redeems the Angels for that albatross of a contract, opening up the roster to someone more deserving (I feel bad just

Having lived in St. Louis and personally witnessed the supreme greatness that was Albert Pujols during that glorious first decade of his career, I can only say that this true statement gives me a giant sad. Hang it up, Alberto, you’re already a first-ballot hall of famer.

Nice price seven days a week.

I find it astounding that this car made it to 214,000 miles. To me, that means we are talking the most reliably Maserati on the planet.

“Suspicious” should be in the headlines of every Saleen story.

If you have looked at their SEC-required investor statements over the past few years, they have all been filed late—if at all—and they questioned the company’s ability to continue.

The most recent search reveals that the company is no longer listed because

December is Academy Awards season, but the best stuff usually doesn’t come out until the last two weeks of the year.

I thought they all lived at home in their parents’ basements? A $600 per month car nut when you don’t have to pay for maintenance or insurance or rent or a good portion of your food bill. Damn! Why NOT get such a car?

That would not surprise me in the least. He is just this side of Julian Assange levels of creep.

Well, white men being paid cubic dollars to play a child’s game have long been opp...oh, wait. Maybe not.

But there’s a war on Christmas, didn’t you know?

GTP 6 fDrive38sci Grand Coupé.


That was the bullshit finish that they made you sign a waiver that you wouldn’t ever take it to a car wash or use water to wash it or some such nonsense.

3rd Gear: We live in an upper-middle-class suburb of a growing city. (Not by choice, but by process of elimination, schools, etc. based on forced job relocation. Don’t blame me for this sort of blight!)

I have seen both an i8 and an i3 in our subdivision, along with a McLaren (Which one? Who knows? Not a P1, okay?),

All of them?

Words from my mouth. Imagine how much capital would be freed up for American businesses if they were no longer the prime providers of health care in the country?

He reminds me of an undercover NYPC cop I once knew—even looks similar, but my guy was skinnier. Our kids were taking swimming lessons together in a suburban NY area, in a pool in the basement of a middle school.

He left his loaded weapon folded in a towel. When he got out of the pool and lifted the towel, the gun

Just curious, but was the omission of Arkansas intentional or not in your list of absolute shittiness?