
At first reading the headline, I thought it was this guy.

Many do have sub 1% money factor. It changes monthly and timing is always a factor. Infiniti, I've found, has big discounts, great rates and inflated residuals. Right now Q70 RWD money factor is .00003 which is .072% You could lease it with $57k msrp for $479/ mo plus tax ($2000 down)

Great Post Tom, I always lease for a couple reasons; I enjoy having a new car every 2 to 3 years and I hate paying for maintenance. Also,with leasing, the car is always "under warranty".

This guy Thompson is a terrible writer. He should give up and put a bullet in his head.

Tuning in.

What are you, the unofficial spokes-hole/propagandist for Russia? How much is Putin paying you?

Tracie, so hostile, must be that "time of the month". Aunt Flow is there for her monthly visit?

I think she's hot.

Why you gotta be racist man?

who cares? Benghazi!

He should be happy at the infrequency, she seems to be perpetually, sweaty, gross, drinks and eats too much and fails to shower regularly.

the sort of thing you'd figure would thicken the dick of your average sports moralist

Waiting for the Genesis Jalopnik review! When can we expect it?

That was f ing AMAZING!

ugh, way too fing long... Could not finish, life is calling, tighten it up next time.

I'm going to purchase this for my wife. I think the book has some sound advice. I hope my wife takes heed of the message and makes it her own. Thumbs up!