Destructive Appetite

There is. facebook.com/about/newsfeed

I thought it'd be like a blog type deal, except it would look gorgeous automatically :P :(

No it isn't.

It doesn't drain battery, actually. It doesn't run in the background like you would think. It merely picks up android's existing battery stats and reads from those. It's the reason it won't have statistics for you after a reboot or after you plug-in.

Happy to help :)

Or you could simply add a "?" at the beginning of your query. This makes sure it doesn't interpret it as a link.

... Damn. :/

I found literally zero of the artists I looked for, and ALL of them are mainstream :/

Que the 'yo dawg' memes

I actually like this a lot more. it's also easier to hide if you need to :p

Also, your extention doesn't seem to notice when facebook users recieve a message? It pings for notifications but not messages, is that how it was intended? :)

Absolutely love it, so I completely agree. :)

Outlook would be fantastic! Unfortunately, despite my love for the new look, I can't make myself use Outlook too much; I've gotten too used to Gmail :P I still get mail on Outlook but it's more like an errand when i have to check it.

Anytime! Love it when developers watch the comments :) :D

Thank you so much for this! I've been hunting for one of these for god-alone-knows-how-long.

I suppose, but this would bring up the same problem Task Killers bring up. the process would keep trying to restart itself, which would in fact drain even MORE battery than if it was already running and draining battery anyway.

Thanks! Would love to jump back on the boat once that's sorted out :D

Hopefully :)

Not a dumb question, I faced the same problem :) They don't offer an option for this in the app unfortunately. (Or they didn't when I last used it a month ago, at least.) If they did, I'd never have jumped ship.

As opposed to one install and then never touching your phone to launch this again? ;)