Destructive Appetite

This will draw several, several comments from all the haters out there, but: you guys failed to mention that the new Windows 8 tablets basically solve the majority of these issues! Even if it doesn't support multiple users for each individual app (which i can't imagine it won't), it still allows entire OS logins so

Has anyone else found this updated version to be a MAJOR battery drain in comparison to it's previous versions?!

Oh, so I'll be sticking with SoundWire, then. :p never used AirPlay in my life, the only apple devices we have are an iPad and an iPod Nano haha.

Oh, alright :) Thanks!

I doubt I will :p My keyboard has the special keys on the Function keys, and i find them convenient, so this would be too annoying to remember. (I know, I probably sound quite annoying hahaha.)

How does this match up to SoundWire? I'm not sure if lifehacker has covered this app before, but it's basically the same thing: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.georgie.SoundWireFree&feature=search_result

Oh, thank God! I thought I was the only one!


Same question! Would love to hear some of your tunes :D SoundCloud or YouTube page by any chance?

I've tried this. I need help.

Hahaha that's good to know :) Thanks so much!

Thanks so much! Haven't done anything at all to my Wii, just upgraded to 4.3; so i'll be doing everything from almost scratch :)

This is pure curiosity, not much to do with your comment at all, but:

I'm planning on trying it out in the next week or so! Point out the few things, pretty please?

NO. We want Scouters. DBZ style.



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