idk where to post this, so I'm posting this here:
idk where to post this, so I'm posting this here:
I'm on Chrome on my PC :p I'm not THAT clueless haha. But those options arent visible to me on their desktop site either :/
Hahaha alright! Thanks for the help :D
This might be a really stupid question, but bear with me:
Alright, so anything I download from the market after root will function the same, including the updates, as before root?
I'm new at this, so please bear with me. :)
Exactly like this app, in fact. AND you can even start an install or uninstall directly from the browser, reply to messages, and listen to the music on your phone. I'm at a loss as to why you'd use this instead :/
There's an about:config edit I'd found when I was still using FF, but I can't quite remember it. Should be easy to google for though :) 'tabs, about:config, firefox'
I don't do professional audio, but I record LOADS at home, and love mixing the tracks inbetween classes when I've got nothing else to do, so Dropbox is FAR more convenient than considering literally everything i've ever imported to DB has been a GB or more :P
Fair enough :) It IS still a really viable option, but not if you want to use the Cloud space for backups or for storing your music, and so on.
This works, but it's a rather large workaround, especially considering services like DropBox (And even SugarSync) take almost no effort whatsoever.
" Control+Alt+Tab moves to the left"
I have one too, but the 100MB file upload limit is kind of a downer :( Makes the 50 GB seem quite pointless.
the title should be *iPod touch?
I love it too! I can't understand why people don't like it, Facebook's finally upgraded something SENSIBLY, and people are complaining :s
I'm in India. This, and Google Navigation are the only apps I've REALLY wanted and both aren't available in India -.-
"This app is not available in your country"
Forget Tasker. (Or partly, at least.)
This year went by WAY too fast.