The Schwartz

Good thing this is America.

Usually you only see drunken Jets fans hitting on women during games

I hope it's really smoking cigars, because if you can't figure out how to smoke a blunt in the NFL without getting caught, you don't deserve to be in the big leagues.

an incident that took place in a hotel room on Saturday

have you been paying attention to the Republicans for the past 5 years? instant kneejerk opposition to every single thing Obama says is pretty much all they do these days.

the most likely scenario sees the Titans being put up for sale.

How else do you think we nailed Osama Bin Laden?

id say its like a typical EA/Battlefield server on day of launch...

Stupid people who don't play video games not getting how huge internet launches go.

Obama playing it safe by staying neutral. A valid tactic for those looking to play on both sides of the fence. CONSOLE WARS 101 BABY

I'll just leave this here...

This is why your team sucks.

Leyland was old-school without being a prick about it. Take a lesson, Cardinals.

Its amazing how the Cards fan base has gone from " the best fanbase in MLB" to "the biggest sporting fan pricks" this side of Duke basketball.

You should feel embarrassed to the point of suicide for posting this whiny shit.

They entered the shop through the front door.......they had no idea what they were in for. Now they're staring at six men with guns drawn......it was a fucking ambush. This was a fucking bomb dropping on this dinky little ramen shop. For a few seconds this place was armageddon. aaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH