The Schwartz

No just better than you

I have an IQ of 140 been watching since I was 2 and I know an immigrant who learned english by watching pro wrestling

Doug Gotlieb has officially replaced Dick Vitale as the NCAA's resident ball washer just check out his twitter it's really sad

In Italy

...And in that shed he found a dead hooker

But it has electrolytes

That's the rule ever since I worked there, not only are you not going into a brawl without other guards your not going in there without NYPD

If it wasn't for Nebraska fans and alumni politicking for votes there would have never been the BCS

What if the Yankees not only made the playoffs but won the World Series. The next days headline wouldn't read "Yanks Win Series" it would read "Selig Hangs Self"

Saxie Boy

Gillberg +1

I knew this would happen when MTO posted the article and I feel bad for the guy and I think he knew this would happen.

Thank you for posting this

You know what was his real motivation, to kill his ex wife who had moved with the kids to the DC area to get away from him.The first real victim was the neighbors daughter in Washington. He may have had a racist motive but the ultimate goal was the ex wife, if he would have killed her first the police would have known

This is nothing you should check out Whitlock's twitter feed he's been going at Evans all day and even gave Deadspin a shout out

Nothing about The Division

As a Yankee fan since the 80's (the dark age) Cowboys fans don't pray for Jerry Jones to die it does not work. Pray for a Howie Spira moment.

Yeah Drew kinda messed up there like no Rich Kotite

Water Pistol Pete Jr.

I'm glad the Knicks tanked those years they where loaded with bad contracts Eisley,Anderson,Houston where bad contracts that didn't come off the books until Isiah's last few months and those weren't his bad contracts.Scott Layden.