
Love this pen. Matter of fact I have one sitting next to me as I type this. Only downside is Gel Pens suck for Lefties.

Just read somewhere else that it will be a 1920x1080 IPS display....correction?

That's what I was wondering considering the current G2 is 1920x1080. I mean I know IPS is great, but can it make the resolution difference seem like nothing compared to Samsung or HTC?

And this is why I will be switching once my contract is up in March. Indianapolis has been the pits for Sprint for over two years. Even their 4G speeds are horrible. My wife on AT&T gets much better data rates. Once I switch over I will also be paying about $30 less then Sprint and that's even with a 6GB cap. I

At First I thought you were serious. Then I realized joking.

To the person who said Nissan Z, I also submit my Infiniti G35. Again, no headroom. Really wouldn't consider it a backseat unless you are under 4 ft, and they are bucket seats almost in the back with a hard plastic piece in the middle separating them. The front is a no go either unless it's just foreplay.

It was one of those shows that could have went on for many many more seasons and stayed interesting.

Can you even Reboot Reboot?

Glad I'm not the only one that misses those. Especially SGU. That I think was the most "adult" oriented Stargate out of them all. Hit on some pretty serious themes. Plus I want to know what happens when they come out of cryo!

Agreed, this is the first commercial from an auto manufacturer that truly made me stop and think. Amazing video, simple and to the point.

My dog poops east to west. Does that mean that her compass is all jacked up?

Indianapolis currently flopped on snow removal overnight.

Beautiful. Just Beautiful. I think I had a tear in my eye...or maybe that was my sinuses. Either way, Props.

Completely agree with you. The angles are all right.

It is said that Chuck Norris does not have only two fists. He has a third hiding beneath his beard.

That and SniffPetrol generally post things that are a parody of current motorsports or motor news. Usually pretty hilarious.

I think her bottoms might be too small for her bottom.

I think....I need to go to the bathroom. Excuse me.

My thoughts as well. Whoever thought that $115,000 for a modified C6 is smoking crack. I would actually prefer a new C7 then do what I need to get it the levels that this is at, and it would probably be cheaper!

Nissan Altima Coupe — Market is dying