
High-fructose corn syrup is a drug...make no mistake, it is like caffeine or nicotine. Your body has no ideal what to do with the stuff so it stores it as also causes you to stay hungry all the time(which explains why so may people in the US are over weight). Fake sweetners(synthetic sugars) are just as bad -

Eggs should be the least of your worries if you’re still pumping huge amounts of high-fructose corn syrup into your body.

Wheeler is done in the city of Portland. He is a weak do nothing mayor that does nothing about our homeless issue and lets neo-Nazis do whatever they like in Portland.  Come next election he is gone.

You know who is still touring the world and selling out to arena size crowds(50k+)? Iron Maiden. They are still making and selling albums and are just as popular today as they were 35+ years ago.

Elder Scrolls Online does it right. That’s why all their main cities and minor cities always have players. WoW takes away portals and those zones become ghost towns.

I was skeptical of it’s flying abilities and then I saw this video and was like...this plane is going to be a beast and a viper at the same time.  As you stated I do not think we’ve seen all this craft is capable of yet in terms of straight up dog fighter - all I know is I sure as hell wouldn’t want to be flying

They better get busy, because according to NASA this one might hit us as early as Dec 28th, 2019...and it is a mile in diameter.

I don’t care what other reviewers say about films, or critics for that matter...I make up my own mind by watching the film to determine if it was any good or not.

Trump is a habitual liar and FoxConn will say just about anything to not to have tariffs slapped on their goods. There is no way in hell a company with shaky standing in Beijing is going to spend millions building the plants in Wisconsin...not going to happen. Look at FoxConn stocks, they haven’t been this low since

Totally agree. Star Trek Continues is an excellent, well done, YouTube series that brought closure to the series. The actors in the series did an outstanding job bringing the original characters back and kept the show in same light as the original.  Can't say enough about it to do it justice. 

Same - it’s as if the director said “Ah hell, the audiance is too stupid to know better so let’s just throw physics out the window.” And then you throw in all the nonsense with how she would have to navigate to get the Soyuz to the Chinese space station. Oh and let’s not forget how all forms of communication between

Gravity is a crappy movie.  So much bad science in it...the movie left me wishing I could take the time back it took to watch it.

One thing, if you have been paying attention, Russia announces all kinds of new weapons this

Let Iron Maiden do a super bowl half-time show!

Never said the first movie was Oscar material. I could sit here and write an essay on all that is wrong with the entire Star Wars Universe, but quite frankly what’s done is done. Lucas seeded the original story and then proceeded to try to make sequels when there never were meant to be any. Which is why the whole

Exactly.  It makes the prequels look good - it was that bad.

Clearly this article is to instill fear in consumers about self driving cars. Look at the number of deaths per thousands hours on the road for current self driving or semi-assisted driving cars compared to the thousands of deaths per year caused by cars driven by a human.  

PETA is an evil organization. They actively go into neighborhoods and take pets then euthanize them.  Google it.

Damn it...I hope that someone from TellTale finishes Clems story for us...even if it’s just in comic form.   I found her story far more compelling than the TV show. 

“Dee chicks cannot hold their smoke.  That’s what it is.”