
Awesome! But you know what would really be awesome. A tablet with this kind of graphics chip. Give me the next Samsung Galaxy Tab or a Surface Pro, with 16GB Ram, 2TB SSD, a fast 8core CPU and this graphics chip. :) I would probably ditch my laptop and quite possibly my desktop.

"Note: I have the utmost respect for Christianity,..." - Chris Person

Other products will be out long before Oculus launches. These guys are taking too much time actually getting their product to market, and other companies will get there first and then Oculus will be like - "WTFH?" Well, you took way too much time getting your product to market and Sony, Samsung and others beat you.

I have seen videos of this games gameplay, and it reminds me of mish-mash of Defiance and Firefall. I am not impressed. an RPG you play a character. That much you got right.

Well, I disagree, since many of the people Twitching it don't use mods or are first time play throughs. :) How is it a stretch to call it a CRPG(computer role playing game)? It is an RPG played on a computer - right?

Skyrim, though it had flaws, is still one of the best CRPG's ever made. Though I have played it casually since it's release and have just over 380 hrs in it - I still play it. I know people that have played 1,000+hrs. Plus it is still being Twitched so much that it rarely drops below the top 25 games on Twitch.

One game does it better than any other...

What do you expect? Zenimax spent close to a $250 million developing The Elder Scrolls Online. It isn't the great hit they thought it would be. So they have to recoup the cost somehow.

No Bethesda didn't make TESO and I never said they did. TESO was made by Zenimax and they did a crappy ass job of doing it.

To bad TESO plays absolutely nothing like those videos. I'll stick to TES single player games. To bad Bethesda hasn't figured out that what we players really want is a good co-op version of the TES series - one we can play with just a few close friends.

Aww...Mike, I thought for sure you'd had given up on this charade of playing ESO. Stop messing around with this wannabe and play some serious TES. It's such a better game over all. Go hardcore with Skyrim. And the best thing about it pressure to stay up with the Jones. Just play it at your own leisure

Not going to "stop bitchin". Some things just don't need to be fucked with. TMNT is one of them.

Wow...that was really well done.

Played a lot of games, and still haven't found anything that can compare to a well modded Skyrim.

I have these, and they truly are exceptional set of speakers. I am amazed at the base that comes out of them. Very minimal footprint, but great sound.

Someone with more brains explain to me why people like this go out and find it necessary to break tablets and phones like this?

Now I know for certain I will not be watching this new version...might as well call it Teenage Mutant Ninja Humans. This looks terrible!

I've been an online gamer since the first BBS's existed, and I have played or beta'd nearly every major AAA MMORPG ever made. I don't know if any MMORPG that required a pre-authorization of funds to get your first free month that was included with the purchase of the game.