
So tell us...where did the big bad TB touch you.

I may not agree with everything TB says about games, but on this he is right. Wild Game Studio has made a complete ass of themselves by thinking they could censor a review just because they didn't like the content of it. Youtube should also realize that TB broke no laws and has every right to post the critique

I'd much rather see "otter face".

Looks like crap. The explosions look like something from a 80's video arcade game.

...and Skyrim was not good enough for this montage....

Hey, a dough bender, Korra would be envious. :)

I've landed with a 25 kts crosswind, but I have heard of some pilots that have crabbing down to an art form and can do it with 40 kts crosswinds, depending on the plane. All I know is I am lucky I haven't had to land with anything that high yet.

Why horizontal scrolling - why? God that is lame. The old website was better.

Know what I want? A Lea & Perrins worcestershire sauce flavored chip. :) Love the Salt and Vinegar...but would love a Lea and Perrins.

Passionate religious people upset w convo whether religious books like the Bible and Qu'ran can contribute to v behavior. Tweet the positive side of religious books? Thanx!

Still, the media, continues to point fingers and haven't a clue about what they are talking about. Look for the real answer in these peoples lives by looking at them and what makes them do the things they do. Just as a cocaine, meth, or heroine addict will trash their life for the next fix - these people that

Why no mention of loss of taste? When a human experiences zero g for a period of time, they eventually lose the ability to taste food. Why? Because of weightlessness, the bodies fluids are no longer pulled down due to gravity, and that includes the mucus generated by your sinuses. With the loss of the ability to

Future Veritech pilot in the making. :)

Bethesda maybe saying farewell to Skyrim, I however shall not, for I still have many places to explore and things to do.

Japanese Rainbow Dash - yuck. The rest are OK.

I keep throwing money at the screen and nothing is happening! Take my money all ready!

There are large man made forest in Oregon that are constantly replenished. They harvest from these stands about 250+ trees a day. Even at that rate, they can replenish them over and over again and never run out - because the trees have been engineered to grow really fast. They use them mostly for paper

USS stands for United Star Ship. In Gene Roddenberry's original Star Trek pitch, the starship is described as a "United Space Ship," and in two episodes of the original series (TOS), Kirk refers to the "United Space Ship Enterprise".(As is noted on Wikipedia). However, later it was changed to United Star Ship.

Because the US is the only country really capable of projecting its military anywhere in the world in short notice. Despite the people that complain about the US sticking their nose into foreign affairs where they do not belong. In the case of humanitarian needs, this is when the US should intervene. Same goes

Saddam Hussein used both mustard and nerve gas on his own people. Estimates put it at over 100k deaths from the use of the gas. So, yes, they would.