
The hashtag is gross but criticism about the conservatorship is entirely warranted. Conservatorships are not for severely mentally ill, suicidal people or people with severe drug addiction, they’re for people who literally cannot care for themselves whatsoever on an adult level: elderly people with dementia, people in

oblig but also maybe the only appropriate reaction to any of this. i feel bad for her bc i feel like people forget that being famous isn’t her life, it’s her job. i’ve had to deal with serious mental health issues including hospital stays, medical leaves, etc while trying to maintain employment and one of the hurdles

Honestly in retrospect I agree with him. The way she was mocked in the middle of an obvious mental health crisis was horrifying. 

Here’s another POV - kingoftheforest took out massive loans back in the 1990s / early 2000s to pay for his daughters’ college educations. While our marriage is a second marriage for each of this debt (with payments equal to a mortgage payment) is not marital debt.

Yes, this is what people need when they check into a mental health facility to get their mind right: unfunny leeches proliferating conspiracy theories with made-up facts.

THANK YOU! Enough with everyone pretending it wouldn’t go straight back into the economy (this goes for universal healthcare naysayers too - we see you!!!!)

I was about to say “This plan gives you Boomer dicks grandkids, you should all be on board.”

People that think like that drive me nuts. I’m 39 and have paid off my student loans. It sucked, and of course I would have preferred to spend that money on other things. But I don’t want the next generation to have to go into debt simply because I did. If everyone thought that way, society would never progress even

It might be anecdotal, but in my immediate circle, this is true almost across the board. Most of my friends are in their early to mid thirties and most of them aren’t buying a house/having a baby because their student loan debt repayment is still so high that it takes up a significant chunk of their incomes. 

That’s the basic argument against it that I hear.  My response: well, I won’t reap the benefits of the social security taxes I pay, so I guess you shouldn’t get those.

But if I didn’t get it, then I don’t want anyone else to get it.  [paraphrasing selfish assholes]

A massive wipe of student debt in the U.S. would trigger a huge spending boom in housing and autos, and probably bump up birth rates as young Americans who were looking down the barrel of decades of debt would decide they could have the 2.5 kids their parents had. And all the critics are going to worry about is that

Indeed. I once showed up to a racial justice group’s meeting and was one of two non-white people there. It was primarily white people who realised there was a problem after 2016, so good on them, but it wasn’t really the place for me. I regret that I felt the need to politely sit through the meeting rather than nope

I agree. Everyone does not like smelling or walking around in areas your dogs have been allowed to urinate and frolic. In hot weather it is horrible. GTHOH! with that.

LISTEN. I was looked at funny just EXISTING at my PWI. And it was in mufugging Atlanta. I never saw random neighbors walk their dog or parlaying at our private campus.


As a white person I too am baffled by the taking of dogs everywhere. Why? An emotional support animal? Sorry, keep seeing your therapist and staying out of public spaces where said animal may take a nice, stinky dump where it is not welcomed until you can come play in public without the shit factory on a leash. This

As a white woman from Portland Oregon, this had me rolling! On point. 

They also enjoy taking them to the library and claiming they’re emotional support dogs. Then the (of course) improperly trained dog starts barking and growling and making a nuisance of itself, and ruins things for people who genuinely need service animals.

They need to arrest them for trespassing, Dr. Anderson is right, black people don’t defend their neighborhoods and property, whites can just walk right through them even when they don’t belong there.